Chapter 7: Unexpected Visit

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Kit's POV

I sat at the table this morning, a cup filled with steaming hot chocolate warming my senses. Thoughts completely clouded my mind, recollecting the happenings of the previous night. I didn't get much sleep, my mind keeping me up for long enough, until I was able to sleep around one in the morning.

It was now 7:00 am. The sun beginning to shine, birds chirping becoming louder. My finger grazed the rim of my mug as I continued in thought.

What was going on? How could Harry possibly become interested in me, over any other girl? I didn't want to be messed with. I didn't want to become another one of his toys. 

"Hey, how'd it go with Harry yesterday?" My aunt asked appearing from down the hall. I gulped down a little to much just as she came to stand at the counter. I coughed, clearing my throat before answering, although I didn't know exactly how I should answer. 

It was honestly something I could have avoided. I was terrified the entire time. But I couldn't tell her anything. She assumed I was friends with him. So I lied.

"Good." I one-wordedly replied. She smiled, opening the fridge to prepare some eggs and bacon.

"You want some breakfast?" She inquired. 

"No thanks. I think I'll just go back to bed. I hadn't slept well." I admitted. She gave a sympathetic smile before I placed the mug in the sink and headed back to my bedroom.

I slipped under the confines of my bed, the sheets cool after being left alone. My eyes felt heavy, my concious getting the best of me as I began to drift off.

Bringing me back to reality, my phone began buzzing. I decided against picking it up, and ignoring it. Sure enough it started to ring again. I rolled onto the opposite side, picking up the device from the bedside table. Harry's name flashed across the sceen.

"What." I said boldly, my mind going back to the moment Harry had obtained my phone number against my will. I cringed at the memory.

"What a way to greet someone." He chuckled.

"If that someone is you, I'd expect it." I spat back. 

"No need to be so harsh." He spoke, his voice calm and smooth. I sat there, unable to rationalize the reason for him calling. Me nonetheless.

"Whatever. Can I go back to sleep." I whined. If he kept this up, the next time he called, I wouldn't be answering.

"Of course," He paused. I was washed over with relief until he began to speak again. "But not until you open your window for me."

I sat confused and dazed for a minute, when I turned over to the window. A shadow was visible behind the sheer white curtain. I mentally cursed, the thought of Harry coming to my house again not crossing through my thoughts.

I gasped, jumping off of the bed and hiding on the other side behind it.

"Don't hide. I already know you're there." He laughed, the shadow moving slightly as he stood outside. What was it he could possibly want from me this early in the morning?

"Right." I confirmed. I sighed and hung up. I walked up to the window, pulling back the curtain, revealing Harry, a blue plaid over white t-shirt adorning his torso.  A cheeky smile replaced his previous blank expression as I drew back the curtain. 

I unlatched the lock, pushing the window open a bit, enough to talk to Harry.

"What are you doing here." I stated, my question seemingly a statement. He gave me a puzzled look as if I knew he should have been here. But I didn't.

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