The daredevils

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Coals point of view.

"So what's he doing hear?" I ask Jace. I look at Boston. He has nice buff arms and is fairly tall but not to tall. He has lots of lean muscle. Boston's shirt is a low v-cut and you could see the start of a six pack. All in all he was hot.

"He needs a ride to breaking point. I can't so neither can Thomas or Gold. Also Silver can't. So that leaves Coal, Kyle and Kaleb." Jace says.

I know exactly were this is going so I'm ready.

"Wrestling contest in 3, 2, 1, go. Winner takes him to school." Jace shouts.

I jump up at the same time as Kyle. I walk towards him but out of the corner of my eye I see Kaleb charging me from behind. I kick my leg back and kick Kaleb in the crotch. He falls immediately calling me a fucking bitch while groaning on the floor. I turn my attention back to Kyle who leaps at me. I block his failed surprise attack. I dive for his legs and he falls. His weight crushes me but I easily flip him over. I land on to if his stomach and just sit there while he struggles.

"3, 2, 1, ok Coal wins. You get to take Boston to school." Jace tells me. I let Kyle stand up. He just grins at me and ruffles my hair.

"Are you coming?" I ask Boston. He looks startled by my question. But he follows me out the door with his bag hanging loosely from his shoulders. I walk him to my truck. It's a mint condition 1979 ram truck, with original paint. To say I'm proud of it is an understatement.

"Nice truck." Boston comments.

"I know," I say flatly.

"Well. Can I ask you a question?" He asks me. I look up at him while I start the engine and drive off.

"Of course as long as it's not racist." I tell him.

"What was that back there at your house. I mean you have 6 brothers. One was chasing you and jumped of a fucking 15 foot balcony and just kept running. Then you beat two guys in wrestling match who might even have more muscle than I do. Also why do you call yourself's the daredevils?" He asks me.

"Well our last name is dare so we just always say that. We call ourselves that because we all are daredevils. We jump off of balconies, we break and enter, we jump off of roofs into pools, we play paint ball inside without padding. We are daredevils. Well except for Kyle he's a muscular sweetheart. Also I have 7 brothers. The oldest is in the army and his name is Kadyen. Also we drive over the speed limits by a lot. We vandalize buildings and the best part is that nobody really cares." I tell him.

"No offense but your a girl your not supposed to be doing that kinda stuff." He tells me. I look at him. My eyes are steady and cold. I can't believe he just said that.

By this time we have reached the school. I park get out and wait for Boston to get out too. I see my brothers waiting for me on the front steps of the school. I turn to Boston look him straight in the eyes and say,"You think that girls don't do shit like that well then technically girls aren't supposed to do this." I tell him then I promptly punch him square in the jaw.

I hear a crunch when my fist comes in contact with his face. I look up to see my brothers giving each other's high fives. They turn to me and just smile.

Boston's point of view.

She punched me in the jaw. She punched me. SHE PUNCHED ME AND IT HURT LIKE HELL. I look up to see her smirking. She turns around and I see her brothers laughing. No doubt they watched that entire thing. I stand up and walk up the steps.

"Is there a reason your sister can punch like a MMA fighter?" I ask Silver.

"Well she is a kickboxing trainer. She does crossfire everyday. She's a diamond level gymnast. She's also state champion in track. Not to mention she has an older brother in the army. And most of all she has 7 older brothers to fight with." He tells me. He laughs at the expression on my fave and walks in with the rest of his siblings.

The only thing that really registered in my mind was that I was going to have a major bruise. And that Coal Dare was a badass bitch.

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