Did she just jump off a stair case.

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Our new house is so fucking cool. It has high ceilings and lots of room so it's perfect to play laser tag in. Everybody has their own room except the twins who opted to be together. The basement is creepy as hell. Which is perfect for pranks and scarring away evil people. The back yard is huge and there's a perfect tree for a tree house. Theres a deep pool. The roof is high so it's prime to jump off of it and into the pool. The only thing wrong with it was that there was no shed.

I walk into my room and look around. White, white and white. The tile is white too. There's no bed book shelf or anything in it. Perfect.

"Ready to go kayden?" I yell.

"Of course!" Kayden yells. He's the oldest and is my favorite. He comes in with two paintball guns fully loaded. I grab one.

"One, two, three!" We yell together. On three we start shooting the walls with little bullets of paint. I laugh when it's over and I look at what we've done. My room is now colorful the walls are now splatter painted and its Awesome.

Me and kayden heave my bed up and book shelf and dresser into the room once the paint dries. He helps me open my boxes and helps me put everything away. Once we are done we walk out and down to the living room.

"Coal, I have to go. They will be expecting me at the air port any minute." Kayden tells me.

"I know but I just wanted to say that I love you. Also that you will always be with me no mater were you are in the world." I tell him my tears catching in my throat.

"I know. I love you to. I have to go. Don't have to much fun without me." He tells me and gets in his car and drives away.

"I won't." I yell after him.

I look up to see that the sun has set and I realize how tired I am. I walk into my room and change into spandex and a sports bra. I walk down stairs and grab a protein bar from the counter and eat it as I walk back up to my room.

"Is that what your wearing to school tomorrow?" Thomas asks me.

"No. Now get out if my face please sp I can go to bed." I tell him.

"Ohh someone is PMSing I see." He calls after me. I use all my will power to not turn around and hit him. Instead I walk into my room brush my teeth and comb my hair. The good thing about being the only girl in a family with 8 boys is that I get my own bathroom. I walk out into my room to see my dog curled up at the end of my bed. I smile and climb into bed and immediately fall asleep.

Boston's Point of view.

"Shit!" I yell. My stupid car won't start. I just keep pounding my fists into the passenger seat until the anger ebbs away.

I look up to the house a across the street. It has been empty for a couple of months but know there were cars in the drive way and lights on. I walk over to the door and ring the door bell. I wait a moment before hearing yelling, "I'll get. Get out of the way Coal you bitch." Then somebody laughing. I assumed Coal was a dog.

The door opened and a guy that looked to be about my age (16) standing in front of me. "What do you want." He asks.

"I need a ride to Breaking Point High School I'm your neighbor and I was wandering if any of you guys were enrolled there." I say.

"Ya. We all are. We can give you a ride. Well I can't but one of my other siblings can. I'm Silver by the way." He tells me.

"Oh my name is Boston." I tell him.

"Cool. Come on in. I'll give you a tour before we go." He tells me.

He leads me into a living room that has boxes stacked up on the shelves of book cases and a home entertainment center. Then into a kitchen that was gigantic. After that he led me upstairs to show me were the den was. I was just about to ask him were his siblings were when I heard pounding feet and screams. I looked around only to see a balcony that went over half of the stair case. I looked up to see a boy and a girl. The boy was chasing the girl. He looked about 17 and the girl looked 15.

"Get back here you little bitch of a sister." The older boy yells.

The girl looks at me and Silver and speeds up. I quickly step out of her way and watch as she leaps over the banister that was supposed to save people from falling off the upstairs balcony. She falls and lands on the stairs looks up and smiles before running back off.

"Did she just jump off a staircase?" I ask to no one in particular.

"You little fucking bitch Coal." The older boy yells. He looks at me noticing me for the first time.

"Who is this kid." He asks Silver.

"He's our neighbor his name is Boston. He needs a ride to Breaking Point." Silver says to him.

"Sweet dude welcome to the house of the daredevils. I'm Jace." He tells me with a grin. He and Silver then lead me down to the living room. Only this time there's other people there. There's 4 other boys and the 1 girl from early.

"Here I'll introduce you to everyone Boston." Jace tells Me.

"So this is kaleb." He points to boy who has a short dark hair. He looks about a year older than Jace. "That is Gold. He's my triplet." Jace says pointing to a boy who looks exactly Jace that is sitting on a mantle that's held over a fireplace. "That is Thomas he's the other triplet." He says pointing to a boy who doesn't look like Jace or Gold.He then points to a boy who looks like classic geek the ones I beat up regularly. However he looked buff like he hit the gym regularly. "That is Kyle. He's the only one of us who cares about school." Kyle stick out his tongue at Jace.

"And lastly that is Coal. Our little sister who is smarter then all of us put together even Kyle. She's a sweet hearted bitch. So stay away from her or else she will kill you." He tells me. The girl, Coal smiles at me but there was a spark of something that I couldn't register in her eyes. She is hot. Her eyes are dark brown so dark that I think they r actually black. Her hair is long and dirty blond. However most if it is bright blue. Her face is bare of makeup except a sweep of mascara. She has long legs that are extremely muscular. She's just extremely hot.

"Now that you have met us all there's one thing I have to tell you." He looks at me.

"What?" I ask him blankly.

"We are the daredevils!" He tells me and all the siblings laugh and whoop.

Mr. And mrs. Daredevil Where stories live. Discover now