Chapter Fifteen

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- Katy -

- Next Morning {I just put this so you guys don't get confused or anything} -

I was sitting on the couch, flipping through TV channels, while eating a yummy omelet that Justin made for me.  A channel suddenly caught my eye.  It's a gossip channel... oh God, this can't be good.  A picture of Justin and I kissing at the zoo yesterday flashed up onto the screen.  I dropped my fork onto my plate, out of shock.  "Oh God, Justin, get over here!" I shouted to Justin, who was in the kitchen making an omelet for himself.

I heard the sound of a plate clatter.  He ran in.  "Katy, what's wrong?!" he frantically asked.

"Sit and look," I said, not taking my eyes off the TV.  He did so.

The lady started talking.  "Today our headquarters got ANOTHER juicy photo of teen pop sensation, Justin Bieber, and Katy Mantell! This photo was captured at a local zoo in Georgia. This picture definitely CONFIRMS that Justin and Katy are dating! I mean, friends don't kiss! What's your opinion on the newest Jaty photo? Go to our website to submit your opinion! We've got one last thing to say about this topic; watch out Katy, you're going to start getting death threats! Price you pay when you're dating someone like the Biebs!" her squeaky voice explained.

"They know!" I cried.  I flipped through the rest of the gossip channels, each talking about Justin and I and stating how we must be dating.

"Look baby girl it's going to be okay," Justin tried to reassuringly say to me.  Out of the blue, I dashed upstairs.  I was going to our laptop to check my Twitter.  "Katy!" I heard Justin call from a distance.  I ignored him as I logged in.  I started reading my mentions.

"@livelovelaugh_ I was praying that the Jaty rumours were false, then they turn out not to be! :'("

"@livelovelaugh_ I HATE YOU. LEAVE MY JUSTIN ALONE!"

"@livelovelaugh_ boo, you whore."


"livelovelaugh_ eww, youre katy? wow i didnt expect you to be THIS ugly. :P"

"@livelovelaugh_ If I ever see you in public, you're most likely going to get stabbed. By me."

"@livelovelaugh_ WHY?! why do this to me?! I'M SITTING HERE CUTTING MYSELF BCUZ OF YOU & JUSTIN."

"@livelovelaugh_ all the Beliebers got excited that Justy was single, then there's pictures of him and ur slutty self. #BOOOO"

"@livelovelaugh_ Why take Justin away from us?! HE'S OURS, OK?!"

"@livelovelaugh_ ohmygod. im going to murder you for dating justin. just wait..."


"@livelovelaugh_ youre so ugly, #js"

"@livelovelaugh_ what the hell does justin see in you? you look like you act like trash too ;D"

"@livelovelaugh_ go date some other guy, you slut!"

"@livelovelaugh_ if i see another picture of 'Jaty', im going to kill myself. then youll be responsible 4 my death, bitch."

"@livelovelaugh_ Let me proceed in stabbing you now, so Justin can be single again."

"@livelovelaugh_ LMFAO, your face is a joke. we've got an #uglybitch ovaaa herrre!"

I had to stop reading them because there was so many, and plus, I'm crying so much that I can't see a thing...

"Katy..." I heard Justin whisper from behind me.  He must have been here the whole time.  I turned around and just threw myself in his arms.  I continued crying.  How could those people be so mean?  I haven't done anything wrong.  I'm just being a normal teenager by having a boyfriend.  Is that so wrong?  Yeah, my boyfriend may be a world famous celebrity, but I'm not doing anything wrong!  I can't help that I fell in love with Justin Bieber!  I just can't help it... but apparently these psycho people think I can.

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