Chapter 35

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Justin's POV

"Mr. Bieber, Mr. Hamilton," A random doctor nodded as he entered Demi's hospital room. Dianna and Eddie had gone home for the night so that Kenny and I could stay at the hospital with Demi.

"Where's Doctor Richards?"

"He has the day off. Come with me," He urged. Confused, Kenny and I hesitantly followed him out into the hall, not wanting to leave Demi's side.

"It appears that Miss Lovato has been poisoned." The doctor sighed.

"What! How!?!" I yelled, tugging at the end of my hair. I've tried so hard to protect her. Make sure she is safe.

"Someone must have slipped something in her food," the doctor shrugged. How can he just stand there and shrug?

"She's gonna be okay right?" Kenny clarified, trying to process the information.

"Yes sir," the doctor smiled faintly, tapping his foot impatiently, "Let me know when she wakes up."

Trudging back into the room, I sat down on the old blue chair in the corner. Demi hadn't moved an inch. Her chest heaving up and down at the same pace.

"I'm so sorry I didn't protect you." I said, tangling my fingers with hers.

"Justin it's not your fault you know," Kenny reminded, placing a supportive hand on my back.

"It is Kenny! I was supposed to protect her!" I grumbled, squeezing my eyes shut.

"There's only so much you can do little man."

* * *

"Justin?" Demi croaked, squeezing my hand lightly. Kenny shot up from his chair, off to find a doctor.

"Baby! You're awake!" I grinned, sweeping my thumb over her cheek gently.

"W-what happened?"

"Somebody poisoned you," I mumbled lowly, my eyes casting downward at the tile floor.


"Yeah. Look Dems I'm so sor-"

"No," she whispered, "No it's not your fault J."

"It is," I sighed, sitting down on the bed beside her, "I was supposed to protect you."

"Come here," she urged, holding her arms out for me. I crawled in her bed beside her careful not to pull her IV drip out, "I love you."

"I love you too," I smiled faintly, wrapping my arms around her carefully.

"When can I leave? The hospital brings back way too many memories."

"I know Demi but they're keeping you until Friday."

"Why?" she whined, burying her face in my chest. It's understandable she doesn't want to be here; I don't either. Hospitals remind me of cancer. Cancer reminds me of Bella.

"Because the doctors want to keep an eye on you."

"I don't like hospitals." she murmured.

"You sound like Bella."

*  *  *

"Daddy I no like hospital," Bella whispered, playing with my fingers as we made our way to the pediatric wing.


"They make me feel sick," she pouted.

"They're trying to make you feel better though," I argued, crouching down to pick her up.

"They make me feel sick," she repeated.

"I'm sorry princess," I placed a feather light kiss on her forehead.

"We go see babies?" she requested, pointing down the hall.

"Okay," I agreed, walking past her room towards the NICU. (NICU means Neonatal Intensive Care Unit - if you don't know what it is, basically it's for newborns that need intensive medical attention - maybe because they were born premature, have a low birth weight or have a really serious medical condition.) 

 "Momma gonna have baby soon?" she questioned, smearing her hands across the glass as she gawked at the bundles of joy on the other side.

"No," I laughed, "We already have a baby."

"Weally?! Who?"

"You! Silly girl!"

*  *  *

"She hated them too." Demi agreed, twisting her engagement ring around her finger.

"You remember that day I sent you to the spa while I took Bella to get her chemo right after we figured out she was mine?"

"Uh huh."

"She asked me when you were gonna have a baby," I chuckled.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah we better get to it Mrs. Bieber." I teased.

"Not Mrs. Bieber yet."

"Having second thoughts?"


"Good." The moment was perfect as I leaned in for a kiss. No fear. No pain. No crazy stalker. Just us. But before our lips could even touch the door burst open.

"LOS ANGELES POLICE DEPARMENT! Hands up where I can see 'em!"

Moment over.

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