Chapter 4. Crushing Time

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(A/N) Ok so this chapter is pretty much a more action scene. Involving Mihya's new crush. That's means more drama. Enjoy. 😝😝

Koujaku P.O.V

Of course I'm the hottest and populist boy in this school. I do have a group but they aren't here yet. Me and my group always go into fights and come out in victory. As I can see all the girls crowding me. I look around. I can't see her. Where's Mihya? I wanted to ask. I look at this one side of the crowd seeing two girl walking. They just rounded the corner. "Excuse me my pretty." I say to this girl and of course the crowd follows.

Mihya P.O.V

I asked Brianne to help me find my classes and turns out we have the same classes together. Me and her left the crowd behind us. As we rounded the corner I knew that the crowd was following. "Come on." I say starting to jog. Then I heard my name. "Mihya?!?" "Damn. Come on run." We start to run and I knew before I could officially get away he had to grab me. "Oi wait up." He grabbed my forearm. "Shit!" I whisper to myself. I turn my head around. "Ohh. Hey Kou." His smile got bigger. "Mihya I was so worried!" He yells in the hall making me want to smack him. I rolled my eyes. I took a glance behind him see a very dark era around all the girls behind him. "Let me see the schedule little sis." I handed it to him. "Sweet! We have all classes together!" My eyes widened. All classes with this guy. Of course he won't sit next to me. Especially with all these girls. I took my arm back and my schedule. "Well see you in first hour." I turn to walk away and ended up ramming into someone. "Ouchie. Oops I'm so sor..." Before I ended my sentence I see a cute blue haired boy. "Uhh..." my breath was takin away from how cute he was. "Are you ok?" He held his hand down to me. Trying to help me off my ass. 'Take his hand stupid' I reached for his hand and he pulls me up. "T-thanks. Umm." I didn't even know his name. "The name is Aoba." "Oh cool. My name is Mihya." My cheeks were turning red I felt it. I look away from his hazel eyes. I saw Brianne waiting. "Oh I have to go." He gave me a smile and I waved. Brianne showed me all of my classes and we went to our first one. I saw that one guy that I met not to long ago and I saw Koujaku with the girls. I say down next to Aoba. "Hey Aoba." I say with a smile. "Hey pretty girl." "Huh?" "I said hey Mihya." His cheeks started to turn red. And so did mine. Then I thought in my head I think I just found my new crush.

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