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Cathy was walking home late one night from the schools library back to her dorm. It was mid October in the state of Maine so it was pretty chilly. She adjusted her coat and hat to keep her more warm when she heard a scream coming from the far parking lot by the gymnasium. It stopped her dead in her tracks. She didn't know what to do. Should she stay in her path or go help the person in need. Being the dumb-ass she is she headed towards the parking lot where she heard the scream, that meant turning around and going through a small patch of wooded area( isn't that stupid, a fucking clown could get her). She stopped at the beginning of the wooded area. Standing there deciding if this was a good idea or not( probably not you dumb cunt). She made the stupid decision of walking through the wooded area. She was about half way through when she heard a really creepy laugh. She froze not knowing what to do. The laugh went off again this time sounding closer." Whose there?" she yelled like an idiot. No reply. She heard shuffling of the leaves. She looked in the direction it came from but saw nothing( probably cause it was dark). She took out her phone and used it as a flashlight, nothing in front of her. She was terrified, but didn't show it. She heard another scream. So she stared power walking. Then that creepy laugh went off again. 

She ignored and kept walking until," Cathhhyyy....." the creepy voice said. She froze again. Terrified. Not knowing what was going on. She kept saying it isn't real." But it is real Cathy." the creepy voice said and laughed again. She freaked and didn't know what to do. She heard the shuffling of leaves again. She could heard breathing or it was the wind, that is what she wants to think." Boo" the creepy voice said and she sprinted out of there and she could see the parking lot lights and pushed her way through and ran as fast as she could. At the edge of the wooded area she tripped and fell right on face. She lifted her head and looked back at the woods all she could see was a silhouette. 

She panicked as she saw the silhouette get closer she scrambled to her feet and tried running but she realized she run she had broken her angle and I mean broken. You can see her bone sticking out of skin it was bloody and everything. So she hopped as fast as she could to the closet building, Public Safety. 

She hopped through the door and down the hall, screaming for help, an officer came out and said," It isn't Halloween yet, but good costume and good acting". He walked back into the room he walked out of. She hopped to the room she saw him." Really miss you get back to your dorm this late at night it isn't safe for a young lady like you", he said." No dip Sherlock. Listen, i heard screaming coming from the parking lot behind this building and I was curious and went through the wooded area over there and then something kept laughing and then said my name and then said boo and then I ran as fast as I could out of there and I tripped and broke my ankle. Now are you going to help me or not?" she asked him.

He just looked at her." All right I will go look in the parking, here just fill this paper work saying what you saw and heard." he said handing her papers and then left the room. She was halfway through the paperwork when she heard a gun shot go off near the building." Damn I knew I should have gone home during this break week." she told herself. The police officer came running into the room I was in and kept ordering for back up." you should definitely believe someone the first time." she told him. He slammed the door behind him." Who was it? is she okay?" she asked the officer." there is not helping her now. we were both too late, when I found her body it had looked like somebody dismembered her." he said. He looked at me and she looked back at him, before she knew it he had pushed her to the ground knocking her out cold. 

She started to wake back up, slowly opening her eyes. Everything was blurry, she tried to move but couldn't.  When she realized she couldn't she opened her eyes right up and started to freak out looking at her arms and legs then seeing something completely strange. She had different clothes on than before. Now she is wearing was looks like a hooker outfit something definitely something she wouldn't wear. Struggling to move her arms and legs. She could smell something, like bacon. But didn't see anybody. So kept trying to get free.

" I wouldn't struggle if I were you." a voice said from behind her." Why not?" she asked." I was in scouts that knot is like the super duper knot of all knots only scouts know how to get out of that knot." the voice said. She can hear the voice better this time. A man's voice for sure." I have been waiting for this all semester. I tried to do this normally but you wouldn't listen" he said to her." Who are you and what do you want?" she asked the man." You should the answer to the second part of that question if you are dresses like that and tied up." he said.

" Listen dude you should really let me go, my room mate will be wondering where I am?" she said." Your room mate went back home she was smart, unlike you", he said to her. She just rolled her eyes, cause he was right. She went home." Now it is time to get a picture!!!!!", he said. She can finally see who is doing this to her." Remember now smile this is what you wanted, you told me yourself", he said to her. His back is towards her so she still couldn't still him. Then he turned around and looked into the camera." Oh shit!", he said looking up." Who are you?", she asked him. She had seen him on campus before but he was always alone and people would always make fun of him and she felt bad for him sometimes. He ran up a flight upstairs and slammed the door. All she could hear was shouting. She struggled to get out of those knots, but nothing was working at all. She heard commotion and looked toward the toward the door. The dude opened the door and came flying down the steps." I truly apologize for this. This was not meant for you. It was meant for your room mate, Betty." he said.

" Betty?", she asked." Yea I don't know if she told you about you about me, my name is Mark", he said to her." Your Mark?", she asked." Yea and we were getting into fantasy like situations and she told her dream fantasy, and I told her I would make it happen, but my dad got the wrong girl." he told her." So, you wanna untie me then?" she asked. He nodded his head and went over to untie her.

" You do know Betty went home right?" she asked him." No I didn't, you guys look a lot a like though, so I can see where my dad messed up", he said. Someone came down the steps. it was that Public Safety officer." My apologies miss, I had the wrong girl." the officer said." So who was the girl out in the parking lot?" she asked him." There was no girl. You see, the plan was for you to get distracted by the screams it was just a ringtone played extremely loud. And Betty is the type of girl that goes to everybody's rescue right?" he said  then asked. She nodded her head. And when she was heading to help save the girl my dad was gonna kidnap her. and end up here." Mark said." But when i looking for Betty I didn't find anyone." the officer said." So why did you shoot off your gun?" she asked." I didn't. You must of heard my phone go off, the ringtone is gun shots." the officer said." Then why did you call for back up?"she asked again.

" My radio was off, when i ran outside i called Mark and described you to him and he said that's Betty! and we came up with plan b", he said to her. " So where were in all in this?" she asked Mark." Down here setting up everything, and me Betty have been texting all day till like 3 hrs ago. And she hasn't answered me since." So no one was in the woods?" he asked. They both shook their heads. questions scrambled her head, not understand what happened in the woods." I thought you were joking about the woods." the officer said." No you see that thing sticking out of my ankle, that is real bone, so I am gonna need a hospital soon." she said to them. They both shook their heads in agreement and helped me up the stairs and to the car. 

On the way to the hospital, she kept wondering what was in the woods. That made her scared for her life. She sent a text to Betty.

           " Hey just lived you're uttermost fantasy with you're new guy Mark!!! You are kinky. Jkjkjkjkjk, almost did it, till they realized i wasn't you lol. When you get back, we have to talk about some serious things, k? Love ya bye."

We get to the hospital and get her all bandaged up and everything. Then they drove her back to the dorms. Cathy instanly call her mother to come and get her. Telling her she wanted to be home like by tomorrow afternoon. They said ok.

After break week Cathy got back to her dorm and turned on her tv to the news station for that town. She couldn't believe her eyes. Betty was dead. Just dead. There was a knock on the door. Cathy went and opened the door. There were two police officers." Miss we have to ask you a few questions." one police officer said. All she did was look back at the Tv which they were talking about the case. Then a picture of her went on the screen. All she could do was think she never went home, and what if the thing in the woods got to her, what the was in the woods????????


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2016 ⏰

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