Chapter 13: Astranova!

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Real World- New York!
      Merlin was still sitting in the apartment and was wondering what was taking Mr. Gold so long. His phone rang and he picked it up from off the table and answered it. "Hello?" Merlin asked. "Is this.... Uh, Merlin?" The guy asked. Merlin was a bit skeptical. "Depends." Merlin replied. "We have a, Mr. Gold here in the hospital." The guy stated. My eyes widend as I gasped. "What happened?" Merlin asked. "He was hit by a car." The guy replied and Merlin sighed. "Okay. I'll be there soon." Merlin stated as he hung up. He stood up and put his phone in his pocket. He sighed as he left to the hospital.

Present- Boo York!
      "Astranova. Hey." Elle greeted on the phone. "What's up, Elle?" Astranova asked. "I was wondering if you could meet me somewhere so we can talk." Elle replied. "I'm busy right now. How about in two hours?" Astranova asked. "That sounds good." Elle replied. "Okay. See you then." Astranova stated. "Wait." Elle stated. "Yeah?" Astranova asked. "Where?" Elle asked. "At the maul." Astranova replied and Elle nodded. "Sounds good to me." Astranova agreed. "Great! I'll see you then." Elle stated and then she hung up. She put her phone bank in her purse and walked back to the group. "So?" Sherri asked. "She's busy right now." Elle replied and they all sighed. "That sucks." Mouscedes stated. "She said she can meet up with us in two hours at the maul." Elle stated. "What do we do until then?" Olivia asked. "We could explore. Callie and Olivia are the only one of us Storybrook gals who have been here before." Helena replied. "I have. I wasn't here when the others came here, but I traveled and explored a lot when I was on the run from my uncle." Elisabeth stated. "Well, there's nothing else better to do." Catherine stated. "So, we explore." Bonita stated and they all ran off.

    Magica went to Merlin's cabin and flung it open with telekinesis. Merlin and Catrine ran there. Merlin put Catrine begind him. "Merlin. Catrine." Magica stated. "Magica? What are you doing here?" Catrine asked. "To see you, of course." Magica replied with a smirk. "How did you do that?" Merlin asked. "It's called magic. I trust you've seen and used it before." Magica replied with sarcasm. "How?" Catrine asked. "Borrowed magic." Merlin replied. "Ding, ding, ding. You got it, wizard boy." Magica stated. "Don't call me that again." Merlin stated. "I'll call you what I want." Magica stated. "Why are you doing this?" Catrine asked. Magica stepped inside the cottage. "I've been begging for power. Now I have it. I'm getting my revenge." Magica replied. "Us? Me?" Catrine asked. "Not really. My revenge is on my family. But you wanted nothing to do with me." Magica replied. "I cared about you, I still do. But you hurt me and broke your trust I had in you." Catrine stated. "I have to go talk to my family. But I'll be back." Magica stated. Then she disappeared in a cloud of black smoke.

Present- Boo York!
     They walked into the maul and to the food court. They ordered some food and sat down as they waited. "Hey ghouls." Astranova greeted as she held a small basket of fries. She sat down at the same table they were all sitting at. "Hey." Everyone greeted in unison. "So, what's up?" Astranova asked. "Long story." Valerie replied. "I have time." Astranova. "Okay. I'll explain." Genny stated and Astranova nodded.

Real World- Storybrook!
     Daisy was at work and it's Christopher's day off. He and Vampiris were sleeping. There was a knock on the door and Christy answered it. She sighed when she saw Bradley. "What are you doing here?" Christy asked. Bradley was in a tux and a had nercous smile on his face. His hands were behind his back. "I wanted to ask you something." Bradley replied. "Okay." Christy agreed. Bradley brought his hands out from behind his back and revealed a bouquet of roses. "I didn't know what your favorite flower is, so I got you roses because they're the most popular and the flower of love and romance." Bradley stated. Christy smiled as she accepted them. "Thank you. That's sweet." Christy stated. "I do my best." Bradley stated. "I never pictured you as a tuxedo guy." Christy stated with a smirk. "I'm not. But you're worth it." Bradley stated. "You're sweet. But I'm not buying it. What do you want?" Christy asked. "For you to go on a date with me." Bradley replied. Christy sighed and rolled her eyes. "I don't know." Christy stated. "Come on. Just give me a chance." Bradley stated and Christy sighed. "Fine. I'll go get dressed." Christy agreed. Bradley smiled and ran upstairs. She got in a dress and went back to him. Then they went to their first date.
   Daisy got home and sighed. She layed her purse and keys on counter. She had her hair in a ponytail and took it out of it. She layed the hair tie next to her purse and took off her jacket. She layed her jacket on the couch and took off her shoes. She put her shoes by the door. She ran up the stairs and to the nursery. She smiled as she saw her baby girl asleep in her crib. She walked over to her and gave her a kiss on the forehead. Then she walked out and closed the door quietly. She wondered where Christy is and if she's asleep. Daisy walked into her bedroom and closed the door behind her. She looked at her husband and smiled at him in a loving way. She loved him more then anyone. Well, him and their daughter. She walked up to him and covered him up. She gave him a kiss on the lips and walked around the other side of the bed. She layed down and got under the blankets. She snuggled up to him and smiled as he drifted off to sleep.

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