Chapter 16: Run in with the Fierce Sisters!

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      Catrine was walking, she was on her way home. She was still upset about her recent breakup with Merlin. She couldn't believe he would do that too. She sighed as she held back tears as she tried to suppress that depressing memory. Magica flew done and landed in front of her. "Magica!" Catrine exclaimed with a gasp and Magica smirked. "Hello, old friend." Magica stated. "What are you doing here?" Catrine asked. "Can't I see my oldest and best friend?" Magica asked sarcastically. "No." Catrine replied with a gasp and Magica sighed. "Fine. I heard about you and Merlin breaking up. Tragic." Magica stated as she felt tears in her eyes. "Shut. Up." Catrine stated and Magica laughed. Then Magica threw some black powder at Catrine as Catrine put her hands up, unsure what's going to happen. But then a magic sheiled appeared in front of her. They both gasped as Catrine lowed her hands and Magica glared at her. "How did you do that?" Magica asked. "I don't know." Catrine replied just as shocked. But then Casta flew down, still on her broom, and Magica glared at her. "Of course! It was you!" Magica exclaimed. Casta used telekinesis to make Magica fly back and drop her room. Then she looked at Catrine. "Get on!" Casta exclaimed and Catrine was hesitant. Magica groaned as she started getting up. "Now!" Casta exclaimed. Magica got on the back of her broom and held on as Casta flew off.

Present- Boo York!
      The group kept walking and were getting tired. "Maybe we should rest." Callie suggested. Then Casta flew to them at full speed. "Casta!" Callie and Olivia exclaimed in unison. "Catty. Operetta." Casta stated. "What's wrong?" Olivia asked. "Long story." Casta replied. "Okay." Callie stated. "Catrine!" Casta exclaimed. "I didn't know you guys knew each other." Callie stated. "We have some history." Clorissa stated. "She's coming." Casta stated and Clorissa's eyes widend. "No!" Clorissa exclaimed with a gasp. "Who are guys talking about?" Catherine asked. They heard a laughed and saw a girl on a broom flying towards them. Casta conjured brooms and then everyone was now in the air on a broom. "We don't know how to fly brooms!" Sherri exclaimed. "You don't have to, they're enchanted. Except Clorissa, because she does know. This is your same broom I gave." Casta explained. "I can tell." Clorissa stated. "Since when can you fly a broom?" Callie asked. "Not now." Clorissa replied. "What do you mean these brooms are enchanted?" Luna asked. "They're enchanted to follow my broom. Let's go." Casta replied. Casta flew off and the brooms followed as everyone held on tight.

Real World- Storybrook!
      Daisy was in the library and had texted Christy to meet her there. Christy walked in and saw Daisy behind the counter. Daisy looked up from her book and smilied when she saw her best friend walking towards her. Christy jumped up and sat on the counter. "What's up?" Christy asked. "I wanted to talk to you about Bradley, since Chris isn't here." Daisy replied. Christy sighed and rolled her eyes. "Really?" Christy asked and Daisy nodded. "Of course." Daisy replied with a smile. "Well, I shouldn't be surprised. I mean, it is you after all." Christy stated. "What's that suppose to mean?" Daisy asked. "Nothing." Christy replied and Daisy nodded. "Anyways, how did your date go?" Daisy asked and Christy couldn't help but smile. "It was actually really good. He's sweet and kind and caring, yet knows what he wants." Christy replied. "Sounds like the perfect guy for you." Daisy stated and Christy frowned. "I guess." Daisy stated and Daisy looked at her best friend confused. "What's wrong?" Daisy asked. "I've never had a real boyfriend and it kind of scares me." Christy replied as she sighed. "Well, loves a scary thing. Chris and I have been through hell. With my dad and other vampires and werewolves and all of the bad guy we had to fight and defeat. But we got through it, because love conquers all. There has been many times that I was scared or nervous around him. But it's a part of life and love. It means that this could be something. Maybe even true love." Daisy explained. Christy sighed and nodded. "Yeah. Thanks, D." Christy stated and Daisy smiled. "Anytime." Daisy stated.

     Casta flew her broom into her bedroom window. Catrine got off and then Casta did too. "You okay?" Casta asked and "Catrine nodded. "Y-yeah." Catrine replied and Casta sighed. "Good." Casta stated. "I haven't heard from her in two months." Catrine stated. "Neither have I." Casta stated and they both gasped. "This can't be good." Catrine stated. "She must have been doing something." Casta stated. "Like what?" Catrine asked. "I don't know." Casta replied. "We have to do something." Catrine stated. "She hates me. I'm her worst enemy, she wants revenge on me for nothing!" Casta exclaimed. "She hates me too since I got mad at her for lying to me. She wants revenge on me too." Catrine stated. "Yeah." Casta stated as she's at a lost for words. But then Catrine gasped and Casta looked at her weird. "What's wrong?" Casta asked. "This is my fault!" Catrine exclaimed. "No, it's no one's fault. She hated me for something I couldn't control. You, you were always so nice to her." Casta stated and Catrine sighed. "But I could have left with her. When I turned on her after she lied to me, that's the reason why she actually did something evil. She's been wanting to do something evil because of you, but me turning my back on her is the reason why she actually ended up doing it." Catrine explained in tears. Casta had tears in her eyes and hugged. They pulled apart and looked at each other. "You're going to need a way to get away from her really fast if she target's you." Casta stated. "How?" Catrine asked. "By broom, of course." Casta replied with a smirk. "But I don't have a broom and I don't know how to fly." Catrine stated. "That's where I come in." Casta stated and Catrine pushed her eyebrows together. Casta made a broom appear in her hands and Catrine gasped with a smile. The broom was purple with white, black, and blue streaks going through it. Catrine smiled big. "This is designed just for you!" Casta exclaimed. "I love it!" Catrine exclaimed as she took the broom. "I thought you might." Casta stated. Catrine looked up at Casta. "Now what?" Catrine asked. "Now, I teach you how to ride it." Casta replied and Catrine nodded.

Present- Boo York!
       They all flew in Casta's bedroom window. "Casta and Catrine got off and then so did everyone else. "I almost fell, more then a couple of times." Valerie stated as she sighed. "I thought it was fun!" Olivia exclaimed with a smile. "Of course you would." Elizabeth stated as she rolled her eyes and Olivia shrugged. "I used a spell, so she can't come here." Casta stated and Clorissa nodded. "Good. I don't need this from her right now. I just want to get home." Clorissa stated. "What is this about. Who is this 'she' you guys are talking about?" Mousecedes asked. Casta and Clorissa gave each other looks and sighed as they turned back to look at the others. "Magica Fierce." Clorissa replied. "My younger sister and an old friend of Catrine's." Casta replied and they all gasped.

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