Chapter 38: Awake!

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Real World!
    "I can't do this! It's hard to see Dale, let alone talk to him!" Candace exclaimed in tears. "I know, but Genny is working on fixing him, and she's almost done." Kelly stated and Candace sighed. "I know, but what am I supposed to do?" Candace asked. "Distract him, your father, and your sister. That way we can save Tamora." Kelly replied and Candace sighed. "Fine, I'll do it." Candace agreed and Kelly smiled. "Great, and if we're lucky we can capture him until Genny can fix him." Kelly stated and Candace nodded. "I hope." Candace agreed.
     Dale gave an evil laugh as he watched Candace and Kelly talk through a crystal ball at Mr. Gold's shop. "If they think they can capture me and turn me back, they've got another thing coming." Dale stated. He turned to look at Mr. Gold and smiled, watching his stature, because Dale turned Mr. Gold into stone with his powers.

Flashback- 1,000 Years Ago!
    Maria worked extra hard to get presents for Timothy's family. She knocked on the door as she took.a deep breath. A tall dirty blonde haired girl opened the door and smiled when she saw Maria. "You must be Maria." The girl stated. "Yes." Maria stated. "I'm Tabitha." Tabitha greeted as she let her in. "Nice to meet you." Maria greeted. Then a tall guy with light brown hair. "That's my husband Travis." Tabitha introduced and Maria smiled. "Nice to meet you." Maria stated and Travis smiled. "You too." Travis agreed. "Are those presents for us?" Tabitha asked. "Oh, uh.... Yeah." Maria replied with a shy smile. ""You didn't have to. Tim said you don't have much money." Tabitha stated and Maria shrugged. "It was nothing. I wanted to." Maria stated. Then the twins ran down. "Maria. This is Tara and Tyler. Twins, this is Timothy's friend Maria." Travis introduced. "Nice to meet you two. You're both very cute and adorable." Maria stated with a grin. "You seem very nice." Tara stated. "Timmy talks about you all of the time." Tyler stated. "Tara! Tyler! Stop crowding!" Timothy exclaimed. Tara and Tyler giggled and ran off. Timothy floated down the stairs with a suit on. He walked down towards her and they both smiled. "Since when do you wear suits, son?" Travis asked. "Since I felt like it." Timothy replied and his parents left. His parents floated away to give them some privacy. Timothy looked at Maria's long pink and sparkly dress. "You look.... Gorgeous!" Timothy exclaimed. "Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself." Maria agreed as she blushed. "Thanks." Timothy stated as he blushed. They hugged and just stated there for a little while, not wanting to leave.

Real World!
     Elvira walked through the hospital and everyone stepped away from her as she entered a room. She looked at the girl in a coma. It was her old mentor, the person that turned her into this.... Maria Revenant. "Dear old, Maria. You got your self into some pickle. Too bad you don't remember how you got this way." Elvira stated with a smirk on her face.

Flashback- Missing 2 Months!
      Victoria was finally able to unlock the door with her pirate ghost athame, and they all walked out quietly and sneakily, as Joseph carried Dakota in his hands. "Where do we go now?" Kelly asked in a whisper. "I don't know.... Tam always knows." Olivia replied. "Well, who's the second smartest?" Maria asked as she looked at everyone. Everyone looked at one another. "Sidney."  Ian replied and Sidney's eyes widend. "Me?" Sidney asked. They all nodded in agreement. "Yeah, sugar. You're the smartest out of us, besides Tam, your boyfriend and Stella would be next after that." Olivia replied and Sidney stated. "What do I do?" Sidney asked and they all shrugged. "Tam always just.... Know, and she's right a lot. We all know Genny is the only one who is smarter then Tam. After that is Rachel and Cody. Jason is pretty smart too. Too bad they're not here." Ruby explained and Sidney sighed. Sidney looked around. "I think we should find out all that we can about Elvira at the library and then find her weakness. We can use her weakness against her." Sidney replied and everyone nodded. "Good idea." Ian agreed. "I don't think you need me, so I'll be leaving." Maria stated and she started walking off. "Hold it, matie!" Victoria exclaimed. Maria sighed and turned around to face them. "Yes?" Maria asked. "What do you know?" Victoria asked and Maria rolled her eyes. "More then anyone in this world." Maria replied and everyone looked at her confused and surprised.

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