Shall I compare thee to a mountain?

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Dwarf to giant, can you help it?
Ah, my child, but you have grown.
Did I miss the time of life
When manhood's seeds were sown?

A teasing, beating heart it was
That cried one time for you
You've broken what you could not touch
Should I praise or scold at you?

Questions no one else can answer
No matter the quantity asked
Still the asker asks the questions
It is a fruitless task

I cannot be the one to start
But you're not in this race
So I have wished the best for you
Go at your own pace

The pretty flower you pick to smell
Is blessed beyond compare
I also bless this blossom's name
And wish but do not dare

Hope is light, or so they say,
For me reflecting fog
Every action measured
By a yardstick in a bog

Shall I compare thee to a mountain?
Majestic from afar
Wrapped in purple nobility
The sharp rocks still leave a scar

Pay me no mind, I'm done with this
I'll hold onto this thorn
Prick my sides until I believe
My love for you is shorn

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