Chapter 8. The Interview.

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The flash of white light was almost blinding.

There we stood. The other three so called champions and I.

This is stupid. Doing stupid interviews with us.

My fathers going to freak when he reads this in the Daily Prophet.

Now that I think about it, I probably should have told him already in a letter, but with everything going on its slipped my mind.

I mean how do you even write to your parents to tell them you've been set up by some bloody jerk and forced into a deadly tournament that could get you kill?

Do you go like, Dear mother and father. I've been selected for the worlds most deadliest tournament. The Triwizard Tournament to be exact. Don't worry I probably won't die. I hope to hear from you soon. Draco ... ?

I seriously have no idea how to tell them.

" Ah. Such lovely children. I'm Rita Skeeter. I write for the Daily Prophet. But, of course, you know that, don't  you? It you we don't know. You're the juicy news. What quirks lurk beneath those rosy cheeks? What mysteries do those muscles mask? Does courage lie beneath those curls? In short, what makes a Champion tick? Me, myself and I want to know. Not to mention my ravid readers." She says.

Ugh, I've only know this lady a few seconds and already I can't stand her.

" So who shall we interview first?" She looks at the four of us. " Youngest ones first."

She grabs Potter's arm and drags him to where she was going to interview us.

Great, youngest first. That means I'm next after Potter.

" Your the Malfoy boy right?" Says Krum.

I look at him. " Of course I am." I say.

" I saw two people come in the night we arrived here at this school. They were going on about how rude you were to them." Says Krum.

" After they nearly blew my friends and I up, yeah." I say.

" I agree with you. They were wrong in casting that spell on the grounds of a school that is not our own. However, you did over react a bit." Says Krum.

I have to admit. I did a bit, but I wouldn't tell people that.

" I had ever right. They burnt my arm and forced me to spend a while in the Infirmary. " I say.

" Well, those two have been known to hold grudges. Don't be shocked if they do something. I wouldn't want you getting hurt by them cause of a grudge." Says Krum.

" Why, you almost sound like you care?" I say sarcastically. He just gives half a smile.

The girl chuckled. No said another word until that girl came back with Potter.

He looked very annoyed, but was doing a good job at hiding it from the others.

She then grabs my arm and leads me into the same room she interviewed Potter.

We sit down and sit in silence for a few minutes as the floating quill was writing on a note pad on its own.

Finally it stopped and she smiled at me.

" Draco Malfoy. What a honor. The same age as the famous Harry Potter. How wonderful. " she says.

The quill starts writing again. I look at it. " Don't mind the quill. Harry was focused an it as well. "

I nearly scoff. I hold back though. " Now, what questions to ask? How did you put your name in the Goblet? Do you wish to be in this Tournament? Or was this all just a huge mistake that never should have happened?"

" No, of course I never wanted to be in this stupid Tournament. If I wanted to I would have stated it to everyone already. " I say.

The quill writes faster. I glare. " What is that writing?" I snap.

" Oh nothing. What did your mother and father say when you told them you have been selected as a Triwizard Champion for Hogwarts?" She asks.

I don't answer. She gasps and claps a few times. " Oh this is splendid. Draco Malfoy, to scared to tell his own parents he has been selected for something as dangerous and deadly as the Triwizard Tournament that could get him killed, all for more glory for the Malfoy family. This is perfect. " she says.

My eyes widen. " I don't want this for glory. I don't want this at all." I spat.

" Very well. I think we're done here. Thank you for your time." She says.

We walked back. I swear she better not print that stupid lie of a story.

Soon she's interviewing another champion.

I sigh. " This is so boring." I whisper.

" I agree. " says Potter next to me.

By the look in his eyes I could tell he doesn't want to be in this Tournament as much as me.

That means he was telling the truth. " So, just cause I'm curious. Not cause I care. How did your friends react last night when you got back?" I say.

Potter sighs. " Hermione is all for support, but she's worried for me. Ron. He thinks I'm lying to him that I didn't put my name in the Goblet and is being stupid right now. So, I guess it went partly ok." Says Potter.

Jeez. You would thing Potter's friends would support him completely.

After all. He is friends with a Weasley.

" What about you? How did you friends react?" Says Potter.

" They thought I was lying at first, but I told them if I had figured out a way to put my name in don't you think I would have bragged about it to them already." I say.

He chuckles. " True. " he says. I slightly smile.

Seems Potter and I can get along sometimes.

Soon she was done interviewing all of us and we were allowed to leave.

Potter ran up to me as I walked away. " Tonight at midnight. Meet me in the astronomy tower. I have something I need to talk to you about. It's really important. "Says Potter before running off.

I stand in place a few seconds. I'll decide soon if I'm gonna go meet him there or not. I may.

With what he said still rattling around in my brain, I walk on to go to my first class and meet up with my friends.

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