Chapter 14. The Staged Fight Goes Wrong.

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Ok, so here I am sitting in a tree. Pansy and Blaise on the ground leaning against it.

Harry has already walked in and is reading a book. Just liked we planned.

Hopefully this will be a stupid little fight and nothing will go wrong.

We're just doing this so people won't suspect anything.

I mean, I don't really want to hide the truce really.

However, if the other Slytherin's knew they'd go after Harry and they would hurt him.

Plus they might go after me as well. So it's best if this truce is kept between the two of us.

Suddenly a few Slytherin's walked up wearing buttons.

It said. Potter sucks! It then changed and said, Malfoy rules!

They were laughing. " Draco, look what we made last night." Says a Slytherin guy.

My eyes widened. " Put those up. We don't need them." I spat.

" To late now. We gave them out. Almost everyone in the school is wearing them." Says a Slytherin girl.

I looked and it was true. Almost everyone here was wearing them.

I looked at Harry. The Slytherin's walked over and started taunting him before walking away.

Harry looked at me with a questioning look. I quickly shook my head and he nodded.

He mouthed out for us to continue with the staged fight.

He stood up and stuffed his book in his bag. He looked frustrated.

As he starts walking towards the door close to us he spots Weasley and goes to talk to him.

A few seconds later the Weasley leaves after bumping shoulders with him roughly. Then he walked away.

Harry then made his way over. I got ready and once he was close enough I spoke.

" Why so tense Potter?!" I say.

He looks over. " My father and I have a bet you see, I don't think your gonna last ten minutes in this Tournament. " I then jumped down and walked forward to where I was standing five feet in front of him.

" He disagrees. He thinks you won't last five." I say. Laughter was heard behind me from my friends and a few Slytherin's.

He stomps forward. " I don't give a dang what your father thinks Malfoy!" He spat shoving me back.

I glared angrily at him. Both of us angry for real.

He was not supposed to do that. " He's vile and cruel, and your just pathetic." He spat before turning and starting to walk away.

Now I'm furious. " Pathetic!" I spat bringing out my wand.

Suddenly out of the corner of my eye Mad Eye Moody appeared. " Oh no you don't sonny. " he says.

Panic fills me as he cast a spell and the next thing I know I'm turned to a ferret.

The anger is gone from Harry's face and a small look of worry has replaced it.

Moody limps up fast with his wand aimed at me. " I'll teach you to curse someone when there back is turned. " he spat.

Suddenly I'm lifted into the air. He starts moving me up and down fast by a spell from his wand.

Holy crap. This guys crazy!!

" You stinky, cowardly, scummy back shooting..." He says as he continues moving me up and down.

I can just barely see Pansy and Blaise who aren't laughing like everyone else around. Pansy has her hands over her mouth.

" Professor... Professor Moody, what are you doing?" Says Professor McGonagall as she runs up.

" Teaching." Spat Moody.

Her eyes widen. I tried to scream for her help as the ferret.

Harry still hasn't looked away. No one has. " Is that a... Is that a student?" She says.

" Technically it's a Ferret. " he says.

I think I'm gonna be sick. " You will not do anything else to that poor student. Put him down now!" She orders.

He continues, but increases the speed a little. " Professor Moody. Put him down now!!" She spat thing out her own wand.

He finally lowers me to the ground and let's go of the spell.

Professor McGonagall swishes her wand and suddenly I'm changed back.

I'm on the ground on my stomach at first. I quickly scramble to my feet and turn around to face Professor Moody.

I give a mean glare and start backing away. " My father will hear about this!" I spat.

He starts coming after me again. " Is that a threat! IS THAT A THREAT!" He yelled.

I panic and let a little yelp leave my mouth before I take off around the tree.

I then take off running. " I COULD TELL YOU STORIES ABOUT YOUR FATHER THAT WOULD CURL EVEN YOUR GREASY HAIR BOY!!" He yelled while Professor McGonagall tried to get his attention.

I was long gone by then. Once I felt I was far enough away I quit running and just made my way to the lake and sat by myself.

After a while I hear foot steps behind me.

" You ok Draco?" Asks Harry.

" Yup. I'm fine." I say.

He walks up and sits down. " I talked to Moody after the staged fight and he gave me some tips on what to do for the first task and I felt I should share them with you." Says Harry.

I look over. " I'm listening. "

" He said we were allowed our wands when fighting the dragon. We can distract them somehow." Says Harry.

I smirk. " Awesome. Using our wands to fight the dragons will seriously help." I say.

He nods. " Sorry about Moody." He says.

I let out a laugh. " That fight was not supposed to turn out that way." I say.

" Don't worry. I never laughed. " says Harry.

" You had to fake a smile though." I said.

" True, but that was only to hide our truce still." He says.

" Understood." I say.

" I think you should tell one of your friends about our truce" Says Harry.

" Seriously?" I ask.

" Yup, I'm gonna tell Hermione next time I see her. Tell one of your friends. We can't keep it secret on our own for the entire year." He says.

" Fine. I'll tell Pansy. You tell your muggle born friend." I say.

He stands up and nods. " See you at dinner. Oh and her name is Hermione. " says Harry before leaving.

I stay there by the lake thinking of all the ways I could tell Pansy. Soon though it's time for dinner.

I get up and start making my way back to the castle. Making sure to keep clear of Moody. Wherever that freak is.

I took a deep breath at the door before finally walking in and heading for my house table to eat.

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