Chapter 3. Defense Against The Dark Arts.

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" What do you think we're going to be taught today?" Says Blaise.

Blaise was sitting next to me in Defense Against The Dark Arts.

Pansy was in another class. " Not sure. Either way I don't really care." I say.

He sighed. Suddenly the doors slam open and Mad-Eye Moody walked in.

He walked to the front of the room. " I'm Professor Moody, your Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher. " he says.

He turned to look at us. " We're not going to be working on Countercurses this time. We're going to be learning dangerous curses. The Ministry thinks your to young to see what these curses do, well I say different. You need to know what your up against. You need to be prepared. You need to find another place to put your chewing gum besides the underside or your desk Mr.Finnigan. " he says.

We heard him say something in the back of the class. Moody threw something back there. " And hear across class rooms."  He yelled. Some of us smirked at that.

" Now there are three unforgivable curses that can never be used. Can anyone tell me why?" Says Moody.

The muggle born raises her hand and he points at her to answer.

" Because they are unforgivable. Just the use of anyone of these curses..." She say.

" Will earn you a one way ticket to Azkaban. " says Moody.

I looked at Blaise curiously. He looked back at me and shrugged.

We then looked back at Moody. " Now what are these curses you may ask, well I'm going to show you. WEASLEY!" He yelled.

Weasley looked up. "  Yes." He says.

" Stand up. Give me a curse. " says Moody.

Weasley slowly stood up and looked lost in thought for a second. " Well my father did tell me about one. T-the Imperius  Curse. " says Weasley.

" Yes, well your father would know all about that one. The Ministry had a run in with it a few years back."  He turns and walks to a desk. He reaches in one of the containers.

He brings out a big spider. " I'm going to show you what these spells do. " he then points his wand at the spider. " Imperio."

The spider makes a noise. Before Moody used his wand to lift it into the air.

He made it fly to one students hand. She seemed to freak for a second before he moved it onto Weasley's head. He was freaking out.

Everyone in the class, including myself was laughing.

" Quiet talented isn't she?" He was laughing as well. Then he spotted up laughing.

" What are you laughing at?" He made it fly over and land on my face. Quickly the laughter was gone and panic set in.

I couldn't stop myself at that moment from freaking out.

Thankfully he removed it. " What shall I have her do next. Jump out the window?" He said. He made it fly over and slam into the window.

Then he made it hand over a bucket of water. " Drown herself?"

All laughter was gone. He brought the spider to him and dropped it in his hand before stopping the spell and looking at us.

" There's a reason this is one of the unforgivable curses. It give the person who casted the spell full control over the one he casted the spell on. They would have done something and not even know what. Most Death Eaters claim to have only done the Dark Lords bidding under the control of the Imperius Curse. " he says.

" Ok Ok give me another curse. " says Moody.

A few seconds later a couple students raised their hands.

" Longbottom Eh." Says Moody standing in front of his desk.

" The Cruciatus Curse. " he says.

Moody nodded. " The torture curse. Come, come." He said going back to the desk he got the spider from.

Longbottom followed him and watched.

Moody aimed his wand at the spider again. " Engorgio. " the spider  grew in size.

" Crucio!" Says Moody.

The spider started making noises of pain and was now on its back twitching.

Some people winced. Even I had a problem with seeing this.

However Longbottom's face proved he was reacting worse to this then anyone else.

" STOP IT, CAN'T YOU SEE ITS BOTHERING HIM?! STOP IT!" Yelled the muggle born.

Well at least someone put a stop to that. Moody stopped right away after seeing Longbottom's face.

" Well as you can see. One does not need torture weapons if you can perform the torture curse. You can return to you seat." Says Moody.

That he did. Moody then walked up to Granger. He placed the spider down on her books.

" Perhaps your would like to give us the last unforgivable curse?" He says.

She looks close to tears. She shook her head.

He aimed his wand at the spider one last time. " Avada Kedavra! " he said and a blast of green shot out and hit the spider.

It then went completely still. " The killing curse. The most dangerous out of all the unforgivable curses.  There are no Countercurses for it. Now blocking, and only one person has been known to survive it, and he's here in this very room. " he walks up till he standing in front of Potters desk.

Potter looks up. Moody brings out a flask of something and takes a big gulp of it before getting back to teaching.

After class we go to walk down the stairs and over heard Potter talking to his friends.

The girl said something about how those curses shouldn't be shown in the class like that.

She may be right, but at least we know some about what we're up against.

Blaise and I met up with Pansy down stairs before we had to go to our next class.

" So what did you learn about?" Says Pansy. She was really curious as to what Mad-Eye Moody would be teaching us today.

" He taught and showed us through demonstration on a spider the three unforgivable curses." I say.

Her eyes widen. " I thought we weren't supposed to be shown what those spells do until our  sixth year?" Says Pansy.

" Yeah well apparently Moody had other plans. " I say. Blaise just nods.

" Come on, let's get going. We don't want to be late for our next class." says Pansy.

We nod, and with that the three of us head to our next class.

Thoughts about what we just witnessed in that class flooding through my mind.

" So you guys going to watch people put their names in the Goblet later?" I ask.

" Why not, I'm curious to see who would do it." Says Blaise. Pansy nodded.

" Ok then. Later the three of us will go watch for a little bit." I say.

They both nod again and with that we continue on our way to class.


A/N. Hey guys. I hope your enjoying it so far. This is my favorite Harry Potter book so I'm trying to get as many things correct as I can before I get to my change and have to switch a few things up. I hope you all have enjoyed it so far. Please comment and vote. Let me know what you think about it. Thank for reading this chapter. :-)

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