Another chance?

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The light fades into darkness...
I can feel it getting warmer but it's so dark, I can't see a thing. James thinks. Then there is a bright flash and the walls turn red. James looks down and see a fire he's about to land in, he try's to scream but the haey it so peircing that his throat won't let out a sound. The gravity is much stronger than it was befor. BAM!!! James slams to the ground. "Ooww!" He moans. "Good your here" a deep and scratchy voice calls from the shadows. James stands up still holding his stomac in pain. The room is dark red and full of fire and lava. James realizes where he is, but is still shaken up. "Wh..who are you?" His voice shaking. "I am none of your concern but you are mine." "What do you mean?" "You fell off a cliff and you died." "WHAT! Then how am I here?" "Don't worry about it. But I have an offer I'd like to make." James can tell just but the voice that he's smerkin an evil like grin. "Well what is it?!" James begins to get adgitated. " I can give you a second chance.." "Yes" " wait there's a catch, you must do whatever lucifer tell you and he will report back to me." " what type of stuff am I gonna do?" " well sometimes I'll have you kill Somone or just do somthing bad." James thinks it over. "Fine, I'll do it." " ok the beging might be kinda painful." "Whatever I don't care, let's do this." The shadow figure puts his monstrous clawed hands and they soot and fiery beem at James. James screams in agony. Then he's gone just like a hummingbird.
James opens his eyes, he's In a hospital bed. There is a girl at the end of the bed, she's crying. James try's to speak but the girl turns just befor he can get a word out. "Jack thank god your alright!" She jumps and hugs him. James is so flustered he can wrap his head around what's happening. The girl calls out "NURSE COME QUICK HE'S AWAKE!" She looks at him and smiles, with tears in her eyes.

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