Chapter 3 - Run

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Chapter 3

"Cheryll's P.O.V"

Ugh! My head hurts. Where am I? Something is dripping on my jeans. Something that is liquid. Oh it's blood but how did it happen? My vision is blurry. I couldn't see a thing. I keep on blinking until my visions are clear.

Here I am, laying in the bed, my arms and legs tied with chains. What should I do now? Nothing but lay there. I suddenly saw a dark figure, staring at me. I am freaking out now. That figure just stepped forward to relieve a boy that I was happy to see him. JAMES! He looked beaten up. He has lots of bruises in his face with a black eye and lots of wounds around him. Whoa! That doesn't seem ok.

"MOM!" he tried to give me a hug but stopped by the chains around him.

Did Valentina learned how to bring back the dead people? That's really really bad.

"James! What did she do to you?" I gasped

*James P.O.V*

"James! What did she do to you?" my mother gasped. I took a deep breath.

-Flash back-

I received another punch by Jordan. This time it hit on my stomach. I couldn't bare the pain. I got lots of bruises all over my face and a black eye. Now this is worse than before. Valentina took out a dagger. Oh no, not again.

"Tell me where she is or say good bye to your precious mother!" she pointed the dagger to my unconscious mother, lying on the floor. "I will give you 10 seconds!"

I grew silence. I stared at my mother and I don't know what to do. Should I tell her or let her kill my mother. I couldn't stand a chance. Tears are about to fall but I have to be strong. I lost a sister and I don't want to lose my mother.

"Suite yourself" Valentina grew her dagger on my mother's head. I bet she is trying to slice her forehead.

"WAIT!" I screamed.

She stopped and smirk at me. Oh no! What should I do now? I only saw drops of blood pouring out her forehead. What have I done?!

"She ran away... Yes! She did and you never see her again!" I lied but it isn't a good idea. She swung her dagger on me. Ow! It sliced my arm and leg. Too much pain!

"You little liar! I know she is somewhere in this town and you knew it! Tell me!!" she spat and stomped so hard that the wooden floor cracked.

"Fine if you want to know...." I looked at my mother this time but she is still unconscious.

"Celestia and her friends are coming to stop you from the madness you caused. You killed lots of innocent people and bring them back from the dead just to make an ally!" I took a deep breath. What have I done? I'm so sorry Celestia.

"Thank you dear," she smirked as she knocks me out using a dagger. I'm feeling dizzy. I took one last look of my mother. Everything turned black.

-Flashback ended-

"Oh dear, I'm so sorry that I put you in danger," my mother softly apologize

Silence spread the room. I still remember when I was young; my mother told me that never give up no matter what happens and no matter things happens. Memories roam around my mind. I still remember that my father went to war and I thought he would come back but he never does. I hope he is okay. I still remember the time that my father and I have so much fun in the park. We played tags and hide and seek. My father was the it while I was the runner. We have so much fun until this was the end. I am going to die even my mother did this just to protect me but she failed and I am glad for her bravery. That's what mothers do. That's what I must do. I could just have time to say good bye. 

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