Chapter 2 Same for six years

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Jessica's POV

We are still at the camp! It's been six years sense the outbreak. Jake and I yesterday went to the Atlanta Gun store, The camp is outside of Atlanta. I was Talking to Statia today and she still misses Tyler, I don't blame her because, well.... he was her step brother. And I still miss Edgar. Every night I see him in my dreams. I really do miss him. But anyway, Jake and I are heading to the Gun store again because yesterday we tripped an alarm.

Time skip

When we got to the gun store some of the stuff was gone and the doors were wide open. Jake collects knifes sense Edger died. That Cartel knife he was looking at yesterday was also gone. The last crossbow, and 357.Magnum were also gone including some ammo. Otherwise there was just a shelf knocked over and a zombie in there. We took an Ak48 and a silver, brand new machete in the duffel. It was Edgar's.

Time skip

We got back to the camp. We had built wooden walls over time. We had tents and a fire pit. And a weapons tent. We also had a truck. It was Jake's truck. We had an RV for planning and storage. But it did not work. Anyway, yesterday we sent out a group of five to get supplies. Risky, but smart. Our friend Trevor is also there. Trevor, Henry, Greg, Jowl, and Elizabeth. Her and I are pretty much best friends.

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