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            My name is India Renee, most people call me Indi, but y'all can't! so don't! I'm 17 years old, and I like to turn up, and drink lots of alcohol, all kinds! any kind, as long as it gets me where I need to be, and that's in a happy place.
Hi India! Said everyone in Union. Why are u here India? asked the "team leader" I'm here because the judge Made me come, but I guess I'm suppose to say I'm here because I need help.
Help with what India? Asked the stupid faced team leader.
     With my alcoholic ways I guess, I said smacking my gum so hard she rolled her eyes, and I laughed because it did exactly what I hope it would, annoyed her.
What's your name? I asked her, and why are you here.
  My name is Mrs. King she said, and I'm here to help all of you.
   Well why are we calling You the damn team leader, aren't u like a counselor or something?
India proceed she said. Well.... I like sex, I suck di..
I don't think that's what she meant said a guy way in the back of the room who seemed to be in his mid 50's. Who asked u? I responded, rolling my eyes so hard it gave me a headache.
    India continue said Mrs King again.
     Now like I was saying before I was rudely interrupted. I have one sister and 3 brothers. Mrs King breathed a sigh of relief, I chuckled, but continued. I don't know any of them, but I do know my mother is dyeing for some reason or another, and no I'm not sad about it, so Save your sympathy.
Before y'all ask i don't know them, because I was adopted when I was a baby, I will not tell you who they are, because I already embarrassed them enough, just know they loved me very much, and took very good care of me.
      Tears began to build, but I pushed them back, my voice began to tremble so I sat quiet for a moment.
  Realizing how cruelly hot it was, made me even more angry. Do you have air conditioning? I spat! I will leave! I swear I will!! I needed any reason to get out of this stupid AAA. I called it assholes and Alcoholics Anonymous.
              I will have the air checked out said Mrs King, but would you like to continue India? 
   Oh now u asking me, but before u were demanding. Continue! Continue! Continue! Do u know any other words?
     Maybe she just wants to let u calm down said a woman sitting next to me, u seemed to be a bit upset.
Upset about what I began to yell, because I don't know where I belong? Because know one wants me? Because I hate my life? You choose because apparently everyone knows me better than I know me.
       India would you like to continue? she asked again, so calm I wanted to hit her.
      My grandmother was a bitch too, i said. I never met her either, but supposedly she left me all this money I inherit when I'm 18.
When will you be 18? Someone asked"
not even sure if it was a male or female, to annoyed to care I flicked them the finger.
      Suddenly everyone in the meeting burst into laughter, I uncomfortably started laughing too! Why is everyone laughing I asked calmly, but no one answered, now frantic. why is everyone laughing I asked a little louder this time, again no one answered. Instead Mrs King asked if I was ok.
I'm fine I said, but why is everyone laughing at me? I hate when people laugh at me.
  Everyone left India. know ones here, group was over 10 mins ago spoke Mrs King softly.
Please don't lie to me I yelled, Everyone lies to me. I hear them laughing, I see them pointing. Please tell them to stop Mrs. King, tell them to stop! Everything went black...

The next day I woke up in BGH psych ward, I had no idea what happened this time, but I wasn't sorry, and I didn't care.
    I was hungry, so I asked for food. This wasn't the first time my night ended in this place and I knew it wouldn't be the last.

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