My new home

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    It was finally my 18th birthday, I didn't have to hide anymore, not really sure who I was hiding from anyway, but I was legal now so who cares.
    I took the crumpled up card out of my crumpled up backpack, and prayed that this would be the blessing I needed. I'd ran into this older man who attended my group therapy  a couple weeks ago, he was at the corner store of the shelter I lived in, his name is Mr Calhoun, he gave me his number and promised to give me somewhere to stay when I turned 18.
       Only knowing him for 1 month I wasn't sure if that was the best idea, but I was desperate, and everyone else had pretty much given up on me.
    Before giving him a call I just took sometime to enjoy this beautiful day in Buffalo. It was early June, but felt like the middle of July. The birds were chirping, the bees were buzzing, and the flowers were blooming, I even thought I'd seen a butterfly. I walked to the nearby park and sat on a bench, happy because I was able to  just enjoy the fresh air.
An hour had passed and i finally mustered up enough guts to dial Mr Calhoun.
     Ring.... Ring.... Ring...
Hello Lawrence Calhoun speaking.
      Hi Mr Calhoun! this is India. India Renee.
Hi India I was hoping to hear from you, your right on time.
   What exactly am I on time for?  I asked
Oh! he said laughing. I'm leaving out of town in a couple days.
  Oh damn! I responded disappointed, mind all over the place again.
    There was a pause, an uncomfortable silence, and right as I was about to tell him thanks anyway, he spoke.
    Well do u need me to come get you? He asked.
Yes! I responded breathing a sigh of relief.
  Give me a couple hours he said, I have a couple other things to do first.
  That's fine I said, I will find something to busy myself.
    Mr Calhoun arrived an hour and a half later, I gave him the biggest smile ever, he acknowledged my smile by nodding back. He got out of the car and asked me if I knew how to drive.
   Not much I said, well its time to learn, and motioned for me to hop in the driver seat.
   I wasn't scared because not much scared me, I just didn't want to wreck his beautiful Mercedes Benz truck.
  We pulled up to his house a half hour later, he lived, in an area I've heard older people call "west bubble fuck" meaning way to far from the city. I laughed at the thought of my aunt saying that about us all the time, even though we only lived in Cheektowaga, which wasn't really that far from her.
This house was huge, and beautiful, it had the best looking garden i'd ever seen in my life, it was planted into the shape of a heart.
India! India! India!
I'm sorry Yes Mr Calhoun I responded, returning my attention to him. Can u grab that last bag? He asked. Of course! I said moving in slow motion, still mesmerized by the size and beauty of this house.
The inside was even better, u can tell it had been decorated with a woman's love, there was mirrors and chandeliers everywhere. Wall to wall carpeting, and the most beautiful antiques. The colors were Fuchsia, black and gold, someone had personally painted the gold on the brim of the walls.
Once again Mr Calhoun found himself calling my name multiple times.
Yes Mr Calhoun! I answered with a bit of an attitude this time.
     I was trying to tell you these bags are yours young lady, can u follow me upstairs so I can show you your room?
    Not knowing why I'd just given him an attitude I did as I was asked and followed him. The way this room was set up seemed like it was personalized just for me, it was beautiful it must of belonged to his daughter at some point, feeling like I already intruded enough I decided against asking him.
  Mr Calhoun brought me some towels so I could shower, and told me to make myself comfortable, I couldn't wait to shower.
oh shit! I thought, I had no clean under wear, I began to search the room for something, and suddenly remembered the bags he'd given me, which id sat on the other side of the bed. I almost cried when I went threw the bags, this man bought me every feminine product you could think of from pajamas to tampons. Thank you Mr Calhoun I whispered thank you so much!
       I woke up to the smell of friend chicken and cornbread, i punched myself to wake up, this day had to be a dream, was I really smelling my favorite food? There was no way! I was just way to hungry. As I walked down the stairs the aroma got stronger and stronger, he really was cooking.
Hello there sleepy head said Mr Calhoun, you must of been tired. What time is it I asked? About 7:30. Damn I'd slept for sleep four hours. I thought. Were you comfortable? did you sleep well? Yes I did thank you so much for everything I said.
He just simply nodded. Your ready to eat? Yes I'm starved, but can I ask you a question? I said. Sure long as it's not to invasive he laughed. Oh no!nothing personal, I jus want to know what you would like in return for your kindness. I nervously awaited his answer, even though for the things he'd provided so far, I was willing to do anything.
Well he said handing me my plate, the only thing I ask is that you care for my home while I'm away, that includes paying the light and gas bill, and keeping up with the maintenance. I stared at him confused. Wondering how you will do that he asked shaking his head. I shook my head yes, because at this point I was enjoying the hell out of my food, and couldn't speak.
Well I lined up a job for u at my friends law firm cleaning his offices after hours. It's only 5 of them, and he's willing to pay you 75 a day for 5 hours each day.
Thank you I mumbled through chews, not very excited. I'd never had a job before, so I was nervous. I will also leave my car for you, but you cannot drive it on your own until you get a license. Ok I said.
I watched as Mr Calhoun was preparing himself to leave a couple days later he stood about 6 feet tall, with very light skin, and Hispanic features, so I couldn't put my finger on what his race might be especially since everything he'd prepared so far had been soul food. He had to be in his late 50's and walked with loads of confidence, I didn't know why this man had been brought into my life, and I wasn't going to question it, Only time would tell, but I didn't mind because time was all I had.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2016 ⏰

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