The See Through Boy.

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Louis has always been alone. No-one likes him.

Harry had cancer. He tried to change but it was too late.

Louis drinks and does drugs to stop him from feeling alone.

Harry wants to help Louis and be by his side so he doesn't feel alone.

Louis' not a normal young boy.

Just like Harrys not a normal young ghost.

Lets start off with Harry shall we?

Harry had cancer. But before we speak about that, lets rewind.... Hary took things for granted. He was the spoilt brat that got everything he wanted, when he wanted it, and ruined anyones day if he could. The one thing he didn't want to get was cancer. When he found out he had the life threatening disease, leukaemia, he decided it was time to change. But he was too late.

Just when he relized life wasn't for you to take for granted, his life got taken away from him. Harrys body was buried in Cheshire, England, but his soul wasnt. His soul found its was to the little town of Doncaster, were a curtain little Louis Tomlinson lived.

Now, Louis?

Well, Louis has had a great life. Yeah, okay, his parents got devorced when he was young, but he still sees his mum on weekends. His dad is in the muisic industry and knows alot of celebrities. His step-mum is a model.

His mum, however, looks after his 4 little sisters on the money she gets from work and from Louis' father. Louis doesn't enjoy having the press at his doorstep every morning, asking if his dad has signed anyone new. Or if his step-mum has another photo shoot. His parents seem to love the attention, but Louis? Louis doesn't. Louis turns to drugs and alcohol to help him get through things instead of telling someone. Instead of getting help, he risks his life, he takes things for granted. He takes life for granted.

So when Louis starts taking his life for granted, what will happen?

I think it goes a little like this......

Louis' alone in the dark, gloomy, cold night. Looking for somewhere to spend his night, not wanting to go home wasted, and get caught by his father or step mum.

Harry was looking for that someone that dragged his soul all the way to Doncaster. In his life before, he had been a miserable young man. Someone that could ruin anyones day. When he found out he had a life threatening disease he changed. Suddenly he was the only boy that could make you smile. But he was too late. He was too far in the disease to get out. But he didn't mind. He knew deep down that he deserved it.

Harry had secretly been following Louis. When he found out what Louis had been up to that night he wanted to stop him but he couldn't. Harry was afraid he would scare Louis away.

He knew Louis would be able to see him. Louis wasn't a normal person. Just like Harry wasn't a normal ghost.

Harry could age. As strange as it sounds. It was like he was still half human. Like God still wanted to give him a chance to change.

Louis had finally found a place stay until the drugs and alcohol was out of his system. He sat in the doorway of a shop and wrapped his arms around himself trying to keep warm.

"Lou?" Louis closed his eyes tight. Not reconising the voice.

"What d'you want.." he slurred.

"Louis why are you doing this?" The see through boy asked. Standing in front of him.

"Leave me alone. You dont know me." People walking past gave looks towards the boy who was talking to himself.

He opened his eyes and he pushed himself further in to the corner of the doorway.

Shocked that he could see through the boy stood in front of him.

"I'm not going to hurt you Louis. I'm here to help you." Louis was speechless. He jumped up from the corner and tried to get away from the strange boy, untill he bumped into someone.

"Watch out." The person said, and then they walked straight through the boy he was walking away from. Could she not see him? Was he the only one?

"Leave me alone." He screamed putting his hands on his ears. "Just leave me alone. Please." He whimperd as he fell to the ground. Harry didnt know what to do. He knew he wasnt going to just accept that he was see through, but he never thought of a plan.

"Shhh Lou c'mon lets get you home." The boy by his side soothed.

"No. No I c-cant. My- My Dad.. he- he'll kill m-me." Louis cried.

"You'll be fine. Im here now." He whispered.

Louis looked up to the see through boy and he felt warm.

Its deffinatly the drugs. Louis thought. No-one smiles at me like that. He thought. It just has to be the drugs. He thought.

'Cos ghosts aren't real. He thought.


I actually really like this story line so im going to right this whenever an idea poos into my head. However, I do have Standing Up To You And Your Allstras to write soooo.... if you would like to co-write this story and help me, you are more than welcome :), just message me :)



Thank you.

The See Through Boy. | Larry Stylinson ✔️Where stories live. Discover now