Chaoter 2; His Favourite Place.

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Louis didnt know exactly how he got home last night. The only things he could remeber was going down the ally and then stright to the pub.

He had no memory of Harry, the see through boy.

He was suprised to wake up in his own bed. He never wakes up in his own bed after a night out. Never. Louis lent over his bed and took a look at the alarm clock beside him.


"Louis! Come on sweety, your dad wants you." Louis groand.

"Its too early." He moaned to himself as he draged his legs out from under the cover and standing up. Maybe a little to quick.

His head was pounding and the room was spinning. He placed his hands on the wardrobe to his left to steady himself. He blinked hard and tried to sooth the pain.

"C'mon Louis!" Lisa shouted up the stairs.

"She is really not helping." He opened his eyes and chuckled. "And now I'm talking to myself. Great."

As soon as the dizziness was over, Louis bent down and picked up the clean pair of black jeans that were left on the floor, along with a light grey t-shirt.

Jumping into the jeans and sliding on the top as he steadly made his way down the spiral stairs, to join his father.

"Ahhh, Louis there you are." Mark cheered. He was sat at the end of the, unnecessarily, long table.

"What do you want dad." Louis snapped. He didnt mean to sound rude, he'd just had enough of his father trying to treat him like he's a colege rather than a son.

"Dont use that attitued with your father Louis. Its not nice." He'd had enough of Lisa as well. With he sucking up to his dad.

Louis hated her with a pasion. She'd already married his dad, amd taken him away from his real family, what else could she want? The way she was stood behind his father with his arms loosely placed on both on his sholders.

Louis glared at her.

"Thats enough. Now Louis, Lisa and I are going for a short trip away. Someone wants to sign a record deal, and, well, I need to check them out. We're leaving for Canada tomorrrow." Louis looked back down at his father. He was used to this now. Them just leaving him here, in the extremely big house all on his own. They did it more than once a month. Its just become part of thier routine.

"Fine." Was all Louis said before he was on his way back up the twisting staircase and into his favourite room of the house.

The dark brown piano was pushed against the wall to his left. The three different guitars linned up opposite. A drum kit in that corner, with a small violin case sat next to it.

It wasnt necessarily the instruments in the room that made it Louis' favourite, it was the view he got from the window, the large window, on the back wall. It was a window that went from about 3ft off the ground right up to the ceiling, and was an arch shape. The little cushioned window ledge was Louis' favourite place of all.

The sun was high in the sky, way above the beight green grass on the hills. The weather had turned. The dampness on the hrass was still visible, but it just made the scenery, ever more beautiful.

It wasnt very often you got a sunny day in England. Especially during Christmas time. But then again, it wasnt very often you got a white Christmas either.

Louis sighed as he rested his throbbing head onto the glass.

"Why, oh why." He huffed. Not that anyone was going to answer. "Why cant they just be normal?" He asked out loud.

"Because they wouldn't be your parents if they were normal." Louis sat up straight. Shocked that someone had heard him, shocked that someone was in his favourite room. No-one goes into Louis' favourite room. No-one.

Louis turned is head looking around the room. Stopping when he comes to a strange thing.

He wasnt sure if he should call him human or not.

He was.... see-through?

"W-Who are you?" Louis stuttered.

The thing chuckled.

"To drunk to even remember our run in last night?" Its piercing green eyes met Louis' bright blue.

"Y-Yeah I guess. W-what-" Louis stopped himself. Not wanting to sound rude. After all, this thing, is probably the reason why his parent dont know about last night.

Loyis stood up from his seat on the window and slowly walked towards the piano, were it was stood.

"What am I? You mean?" Louis nodded as he stopped infront of him. "I'm a ghost Louis. And for some reason or other, I've been told by someone that you can see me for a reason. Your special Louis. Not as special as me. Bit special." The ghost laughed. 

Louis reached his hand out wanting to touch him,

"Can I?" The boy nodded. As Louis placed his hand on to Harrys arm, not only was Louis surprised, but so was Harry.

No one had been able to touch Harry. But the again, nobody could see him either. Louis looked back up.

"Your Harry aren't you?" He asked.

"Yeah, I am but how do you know if you cant remember last night?" Harry was confused at this stage. Not sure what was really going on.

"The voices told me." Louis whispered. "They told me someone was coming. They told me Harry was coming."

Now it made more sense.

The voices.

He was looking for a boy.

He had to take the boy home.

He had to not get caught.

But what next?

What does Harry do now?

He knows whats he wants to do, but that can't be aloud.

Ghosts aren't aloud to gall in love with humans.

Just like humans aren't aloud to fall in love with ghosts.

It just wouldnt work.

So Harry is going to have to find something else to keep his heart busy.

Because he knows the more time he spends with Louis.

The harder it is to keep his soul under control.


Yaaay. Another chapter. Wahhooo. The onky reason why this one is shorted is because its 1:22 at night. Its 2 days until christmas and im tierd but cant get to sleep. Plus im really stuck on SUTYAYA I have no clue ehat to write next.

But im going to (try and) sleep now.

Love you all...




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All that shizz♥

Enjoy life♡

•Bacon ☆

The See Through Boy. | Larry Stylinson ✔️Where stories live. Discover now