Chapter Eleven; The Spark.

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It was the next day. Thursday 25th November, 11:43 am to be exact. The two boys were sat on Louis' bed, yet again. Harrys head hanging low as he thought over what would happen after. After he was finished with hia time back on earth. A frown itched its way onto his face as he pictured being up above without his Lou by his side.

"Harry?" Louis asked looking over to the boy beside him.

Harry's head shot up from looking at the bed and saw Louis' small eyebrows arched, creating small rinckels on the boys forehead.

"What?" Harry askes sheepishly.

"Whats wrong? Where is that smile?" Louis asked scootching closer to him. His fringe fell into his face slightly, still a little wet from the shower he had not long ago took.

"Right here." Harry replied flashing Louis one of his best smiles. Showing off his prominante dimples.

"Right there." Louis nodded. Repeating Harrys words. "So, what are we doing today?" Louis asked. Trying to change the atmosphere in the room. "How about films?"

Harry looked over Louis' face and gave a short nod of the head before the bed wobbled and Louis jumped off.

"Right, well we have the classic High School Musical. Or we can be rebels and go for a more manly such as Finding Nemo. It's up to you."

Harry chuckled as Louis spun around from facing the cabinate full of films. Louis held both of the DvD's up, Nemo in his right, High School Musical in his left, a smile on his lips.

"Nemo," Harry smiled pointing to the case, "definatly Nemo."

Louis flashed Harry a grin before spining back around and setting up the film.

Ten minutes later, the curtains were drawn, Harry and Louis were both cuddled up on the bed, a bowl of warm sweet popcorn, and the film had just started.

Harry hardly paid any attention to the film. His eyes were stuck to the boy stuck to his side.

Another ten minutes later, and Harry moved his hand that was wrapped around Louis' waist, and bought it to brush some of the carmel hair out of Louis' face.

Louis flicked his gaze up to Harry and slowly smiled, seeing the different colours flash against Harry's face, before his eyes got glued to the TV screen once again.

Harry kept his hand smoothing Louis' hair. Watching as his eyes scanned the screen. And he felt normal.

He didn't feel like he was here for some type of mission, he felt like he was alive again. The feeling of his skin in the sofness of Louis' newly washed hair.

He couldn't help but think that maybe this, this moment right here, was what he had lived for. He had lived to die and be here in this exact moment with Louis.


It got to the point in the film, in which Nemo had been reunited with his father and they both were hapoy again.

Harry was no longer reaching his hand through Louis' hair. His arm was back around the boys waist protectively, though his eyes were still watching over the blue in the others.

The empty bowl of popcorn had been placed on the floor beside the bed just over twenty minutes ago.

Louis had now gotton bored with the film, his favourite part now passed, and looked over at Harry.

"Do I have something on my face?" Louis asked. Harry's face scrunched in confusion as Louis wriggled in his arms to turn and face him. "'Cause you've been staring at me the whole time."

The smirk was now evident on Louis' face. The light from the TV now not hitting Louis very well, and Harry noticed this was the kind of light that made Louis' eyes look even more beautiful than before.

"Harry?" Harry didn't answer Louis as his eyes dragged down Louis' face. Looking down at his lips as they seemed to carve around more wordd that have grown unnotice by himself.

"I'm waiting for an explination." Harry couldn't help but smile at how cheeky the boy by his side was being.

"You're beautiful."

The words seemed to run through the air. The music from the film credits playing in the background.

Louis looked up at Harry. Even led down, Harry seemed to be over an inch higher than him. He tried to figure out what was going on. The look on Harrys face told him that it was nothing. His face looked so natural. Just like he was to say 'hello' to somone in the street.

But to Louis it was much much more.

He called him beautiful. And that was when the tingling feeling, the one that he had put to the side for this whole time, seemed to be showing once again.

Harry, however, couldn't hide the butterflies flying around in his stomach as his face slid down the soft white pillow, bringing him closer to Louis.

Louis knew what was coming. And he just couldn't decide what to do.

Harry, however, couldn't wait any longer. Closing his eyes, he moved that one inch closer that was seperating Louis' and his lips. 

Louis' eyes closed the moment he felt the warm touch of skin. Even though he couldn't see it, he knew that his cheeks were coverd by a light pink colour.

The tingling feeling was now, stronger than ever. Not only were the sparks felt in his stomach, they were now present in the place where the two boys lips were joint. Harry's lips pushed against his in a way of telling him he felt them too.

Louis pulled his arms out from underneath the blanket. Reaching up, and locking his hands behind Harry's head, whilst Harry kept his placed on Louis' waist, only tightening his grip a little bit.

Louis let his toung slip across Harry's bottom lip, looking for some sort of way to gain dominance. Right away, Harry let him in. The boys were now free to explore the other through the use of their toungs.

Niether of the boys wanted the feeling to go away. Niether did they want to part. But the need for oxygen made them.

Their lips parted as their foreheads joined. Eyes still closed as the went over the kiss in their heads.

Louis let out a huff of air that bounced off Harrys lips the second it left his mouth.

"I just kissed a ghost." Louis stated.Causing Harry to let his laughter fill the room.

And just like that, the two knew somthing inside them had been lit.


Oh my fricking god.

I actually feel like this is the best chapter so far. LARRY FRICKING KISSED HOLY COW.

Okay, I'm not going to let this beautiful moment be ruiend by me blabbing on.

Hope you enjoyed, sorry for the wait, I've said this before (I think) but this book is really hard to write.

But yess, I shall see you soon (hopefully)

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