Chapter 8; It Was A Mistake.

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I changed the cover :)) I got bored of the old one and I prefer this one.. And as you can see, I changed the name. Its just that I thought it was a little tooo long and nows its a little shorter...Anyway, enjoy this cappy chapter :)


Louis really didn't know what to do.

Harry hadn't spoke to him all day. He knew that Harry was hurt.

Niall had taken his life. Harry should be with him. But he can't.

Louis feels horrible.

"C'mon Harry. Talk to me. Please." Louis asked. Waiting for Harry to just pop up out of nowhere. Unfortunately, that didn't happen and Louis was still alone in his room.

Sighing, Louis stood up. It felt strange not having the boy around him. He had gotten so used to his company, it just felt normal to have him there.

But Harry was some where else and he knew he couldn't do anything to help his friend at this moment in time.


Harry sat on the floor by his best friends resting space.

"I'm sorry." He whisperd. "I'm sorry I wasn't there. I'm sorry you had to go through all that alone. I'm sorry you are still alone. I wish I was there, Niall. I wish I was there to help you. To help you get through it. Zayn's a dick for leaving you. I hope he knows that. It wont be long now Niall. I'll be with you soon. I promise. And I know you'll be safe up there until I arrive. You with your mum... How is she? I hope she isn't mad at you. I know you'll be smiling. The smile that I saw on your face the day you ran over to me. You desurve to smile. Your amazing. I'll see you soon, buddy."

Harry placed his hand to his mouth, kissing it then placing it gently to the top of the cold, dark mud.

"Harry?" Harry jumped. Spining round, he saw him. Niall was smiling at him.

Harry ran forward. Bringing his friend towards him in a hug.

"You can see me." Harry whipserd.

"And you can see me." Harry pulled the boy closer.

"Why?" He asked.

"You know why Harry. My life never was the best. But it hit its bottom and I guess I just gave up. It was too much. It got to the point where I hadn't smiled or laughed in two months." Niall pulled back so Harry could see his face. "Now look. Im smiling aren't I? Just like you said I would be. But also like you said, my mum was mad, but happy that I'm with her now. She understands Harry. She understands that my life was hard. She's been watching this whole time. From the day she left, till the day I left."

Harry could see just how happy Niall was. He could see that he made his dission and that he doesn't regret it like everyone else says he will.

"I'm free Harry." Niall smiled, spining round with his hands in the air. "I'm freee." He laughed.

Niall stoped the spining faceing Harry.

"I guess I'll see you soon yeah?" Harry nodded. "Oh, and that little girl, you know D-"

"Darcy." Harry smiled

"Yeah. She said to hurry up she really misses you. 'Said not to forget the boy. He's really special to him.' She said. 'Wants to be with him forever. Tell him not to change what is supposed to happen. Death has chosen its path and nothing can change it. He shouldn't worry though. Not everyone has a happy ending, but I know that he does. Harry desurves to have one.' I have no idea what she means but shes cleaver for her age. Any way. I need to go. See you soon Haz." And with that he was gone.


"I'm back." Harry spoke into thw silent room.

"Shit, Harry. You scared the crap out of me." Louis swore, his left hand placed over his heart.

Harry couldn't help but chuckle at the boy. His smile dissappeard as his eyes landed on the table which Louis was sat at.

Louis soon caught on to what he was looking at and tried to reason with him.

"Harry, listen-"

"Please tell me you didn't Louis." Harry walked forward. Picking up the little empty see through packet.

"I'm sorry Harry. I- I didn't have anything to do. It was just- It was just there. I wasn't thinking. Please don't be mad." Louis knew it was a mistake but by the time he had, it was too late. It was already in his system and there was no way of taking it out.

"I'm far from mad Louis. I'm disappointed. I'm angry. I'm annoyed. I'm hurt." Harry looked over at Louis. Holding the packet forward, Harry spoke again, "Why? The real reason this time. You didn't just take it because it was there. I made sure there was none of this stuff-" He waved the packet around, "-left in the house Louis. You went out to get it. Do you know where I was?! I was out at my bestfriends grave. He was there. We spoke. He told me about the girl I read to at the hospital. She's up there Louis! She's waiting for me! Now, she has to wait longer because your a selfish basterd!"

Louis had tears down his face. He really wasnt thinking straight.

"I'm sorry. I was alone. I thought you had gone. You didnt answer my calls. Harry, I didn't think it would hurt anybody. I really didn't."

"How could you say that? Of course it would hurt. It hurt me. If your dad knew, it would hurt him." By now, Louis was a crying mess on his bed. He didn't know what to do or say. He really didn't think anyone cared. "Louis, you're better that this." Harry chucked the empty packet in the bin by the door.

"I didn't know what to do. Harry, I promise you I really didn't mean to do it." Louis looked up from his hands. Fresh tears still leaking from his eyes. "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for being so selfish. I'm sorry for being the wast of space I am." Harry sighed and sat next to Louis on the bed.

"Come here." He said as he opend his arms wide for Louis. Without a question, Louis jumped right into Harrys arms.

"I'm sorry. Im so so sorry." Louis cried over and over into Harrys chest.

"Shhh.. It's okay. Shhh.." Harry tried to hush the boy. Even though he knew things were far from okay.

He knew this would take longer than he expected it to, but he was willing to do all he could to help the crying boy. He wasn't just his friend anymore. He was his reason. His reason to still be on earth.

Most ghosts would be annoyed at the person keeping them from there freedom, but not Harry. How could he be mad at the damaged boy?

The feeling he got around the boy, pulled something on his un-beating heart.

He knew now, that he wasn't here to just help to boy. They sent him here to give the crying boy a reason. A reason to stay strong. And Harry believed he was that reason.

He couldn't be the only one out of the two to feel this connection.

As Harry let the boy sob into his chest, he realised something. Something he had never realised before. Ghosts can fall in love.

He has fallen in love.


So this isn't as long and I know that it's just that I have major writter block for this story, but I don't want to put it on hold or anything because I enjoy writting it so much, so, no matter how hard it is going to be, Im going to do my best to write it as often as possible.

I know that no one reads these so Im going to keep it short but it would mean the world to me if you could go and read my new story "Im Blind." It would mean a lot.

Anywaysss... I love you guys so much, dont forget to Vote and Comment it helps..

Byyyeee :)

The See Through Boy. | Larry Stylinson ✔️Where stories live. Discover now