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Most demons call Satan Boss. Demons are trained in seduction and self-defense mostly, but can choose to learn other skills. Demons will go into a physical body which will make them have to eat, drink, go bathroom, and sleep. Most demons are "born" the same age as their human. When demons are abandoned by their assigned person they usually becomes sirens, incubuses/succubus, become criminals or live life "normally" until they "die" and go back to hell. Demons "die" when their person dies.

Demons have a ton of rules but the main ones you MUST follow are:
1. No creating money or food
2. You cannot hurt your assigned human
3. Don't tell anyone else you are a demon
4. Follow all commands made by your human unless it breaks rules above

But with those rules comes special powers
1. Can turn into any living thing, left up to your imagination
2. Can create or levitate anything unless it breakes any rules
3. Has wings that can look like anything they want

Demon appearance: (can be anything such as animals or another human form)
Demon gender: (can be neither)
Main human appearance:
Main human gender:

Angel and Demon gardian RPWhere stories live. Discover now