Chapter 4

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This is a bad idea. This is such a bad idea. I am the queen of bad ideas. What's wrong with me? Why did I agree to do this? He's probably not even going to show up and I'll be the idiot waiting for two hours. No. If he isn't there within ten minutes I'm leaving. I hope he's there. NO I DON'T. It's an understatement to say that Jennifer was having a meltdown. She'd only just met him after all, and now she's going on a date with him?! What if he's a serial killer?! What's even crazier is that she thought these things whilst continuing to get ready for their date tonight. She wouldn't call it a date though. It's just two acquaintances trying to get to know each other. At a drive in. At 7:30 pm. Perfectly normal, not a date.

She put on a black and gold crop top with a huge smiling sun on it with some other designs, and her black high waisted skinny jeans. She slipped on her vans, grabbed her jacket, her purse, and her cellphone, and then left her bedroom.

"Parker I'm going out! Don't burn the house down!" She yelled to him from the first floor. Without a response she left the house and began to walk to the end of her street, when she heard an engine rev behind her. She turned around to see Scott, in his black Lexus, smirking at her. She did her best to look unimpressed as she walked up to his car. Replaying all of her previous thoughts in her head before getting in the passenger seat and shutting the door behind her.

"Ready?", he asked, still smirking, and he looked at her. She nodded and he shifted gears, driving away from her house.

"What movie are we seeing?", she asked, after a few uncomfortable moments of silence. He looked at her, then out his window, and then back at the road.

"It's an old one, bet you haven't seen it.", he teased. She scoffed, and groaned.

"Just tell me!", she exclaimed. He opened his palms, still grasping the steering wheel, in surrender.

"Okay okay, it's The Hills Have Eyes 2.", and suddenly Jennifer's face dropped. She had seen it. And in the back of her mind she knew that the movie had scared the hell out of her. But she pushed the thought away and sat back in her chair.

"I didn't know there was a drive in around."


About 20 minutes later they were in PalmWhite Bay at the drive in.

"Alright wait here I'm going to go grab some stuff.", he said. She nodded as he got out of the car. Her heart was racing, anxious about seeing the movie. Not many horror movies scared her. But this one seemed all to real to her. It made her stomach churn. Suddenly there was a knock on the window that nearly threw Jennifer out of her chair. It was just Scott. He laughed at her and nodded his head, gesturing for her to get out of the car. He backed up as she opened the door.

"C'mere.", he mumbled as he set the popcorn and drinks he had gotten on the hood of his car. She took a step forward, and before she could take another step he put his hands around her waist and pulled her forward, walking to the back of the car. She was shocked as he moved the food and opened the trunk. The seats were laid down, and there were blankets and pillows everywhere. Jennifer wondered how she hadn't seen it before.

Jennifer had been staring intently at the screen, and it hadn't gone unnoticed by Scott. He nudged her shoulder and she looked at him slowly, hiding how scared she was.

"Are you okay?", he asked her, he seemed almost..., concerned? Jennifer nodded.

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine.", she said quickly. Her mouth was dry and her muscles tense. Scott gasped, catching her attention. "What?"

"You're scared!", he exclaimed. "I thought you loved horror movies!"

"I do! I'm not scared!", she retorted.

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