Cold Cold Water

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Ny'Ome laughed almost dropping my phone. "Nina why you do that to daddy"

She shrugged and started dancing to the song again. Ny would not stop laughing for shit, she handed me back my phone after letting out a loud cough.

She peeped me pouting "Now Bae tell me that wasn't funny"

I kept my straight face "It wasn't fun-" I cracked a smile and laughed too

"See" she picked up Nina and strapped her in the car seat.

"Why you tranna take my car" she shrugged and put the seat back

"Gimme kiss" I stuck out my lips and she pecked them.

I watched as she pulled out the driveway.

Two more days till, I leave for tour. It our first your since we left Morris and its for seven months. Nina ain't sweat in it but she known she gonna miss me. But Ny'Ome doesn't want me to leave her at all, she been giving me the stank attitude ever since I told her.

Myles cries roared from the stroller so I picked him up only for him to cry louder.

"I know, I know you hate me"
He stopped crying as if he understood.

I shut the door and locked it. Lately I have been left with him while they did girl things. Its cool because even thou he's not my son I still treat him no different than if he came from me.

Soon as I sat on my bed my phone rang. I sat Myles in his crib in our room and slide to answer.


Asia voice boomed through the phone "Mateo can you watch King while I go to get my hair done really quick"

"Oh hell nah why he cant go with you, they don't got a petting zoo?" I chuckled to myself

"Ha ha very funny"

"I don't know man you trying to kill me" I heard the door bell rang three times. "No she didn't"

I ran down stairs and looked out the window to see her red Comoro pull off and the three beep letting me know she hung up.

The door bell rang again. I knew it was King bad ass.

I walked to the down and opened it, he was a wearing green spiderman under wear with a sweater , some yellow and green converse and was eating a big bag of chips. He saw me open the door but still was ringing.

"Boy cut that shit out" he rung it one last time and walked in. "Where is your clothes"

"Where's my girlfriend?"he stood all his weight one leg

"Stop playing nigga will beat yo yellow ass about MY fiancé" he scrunched up his face "Yeah get you one little nigga"

He pulled out his iPhone and put it up to his ear "Hello mom..........can I get a" he looked at me "Fiancé, Mateo has one........okay" he stuffed phone back in his jacket. "She said not until I move out of her house so never. What you doing lil nigga?" he walked upstairs

Yes he did just call me little nigga because his dad let him say it. I just tolerate it just like everybody else.

"Nothing chill down here I'm bout to get Myles" he licked his thumb and walked to the living room

I walked in my room and grabbed Myles, he was softly crying.

------- --------- -------

"So awesome " Nina hit the folks then finished with a dab.

Ny'Ome held on to the railing for dear life, I skated over to her and helped her up "The strugg"

I chuckled as she flicked me off and attempted to skate away.

"Don't talk to me Mateo" she pulled on the railings on the rink to pull herself to the carpet for a rest.

"You mad, for why?"

She gave me the really nigga face "I just want us to be normal" she teared up in the eyes "So we wouldn't have to miss each other"

"It's only a couple months" her tears fell and I wiped them softly

"28 weeks" she poked out her lip.

"It's not like anything is gonna change when I get back expect Myles is gonna be eight months" she twisted her face almost mad and threw her skates off.

"You dick, I'm fucking pregnant" she stormed off to the bathroom.

This really was good news for me not only because I'm having another baby but this would explain a lot of things that has been happening over this month. The constant eating, forty trips to the bathroom a day, mood swings and don't tell her but she's getting a little chubby in the tummy.

"Mateo what you done did now" Leyla rested her hand on my shoulder, I shrugged.

"Daddy, is there something in my hair" Glared down at Nina, who had blue ice cream on all face like she used it to wash her face.

"No but you got some on my our face" a smile spread across my face and I picked her up "Lets go get you cleaned up"

The women's bathroom was a place I've never been. I expected it to be a jacuzzi, air conditioning and all that good shit.

"Daddy what are you doing open the door" Nina flicked her wrist out and twisted up her face.

I opened the door only to hear soft sniffles. The last stall was closed, I expected her to be in there.

I say Nina on the counter and snatched a paper towel. "Ny'ome I'm sorry"

The sniffing stopped and I could hear the toilet paper rip. "Your not suppose to be in here"

I looked at Nina "I don't give a eff" Nina smiled "I'm happy about this, probably more happy than you"

"Mateo I gave you every hint in the world" she opened the door "You better be truly happy" she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me

"I'll take off tour if you want" she shook her head again

Nina looked between us "Boy or girl"

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