Chapter 1: A Father Kidnapped

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I walk down the street and see the familiar sign that said, Flaversham's Toys. I smile at the sign and look down at the present, wrapped in Pink with a white bow on top. 'I hope she likes it.' I thought as I walk up to the door. I haven't seen my father and Olivia for a few months and that's because I've been traveling. I haven't told them I was coming because I want this to be a surprise.

I let out a deep sigh and knock on the door, three times. I hear footsteps behind the door and the door opens to reveal my father at the other side of it. He smiles really big and exclaims. "(Y/N)!" I laugh and give him a big hug.

"Hello, father!" I laughed.

"Well, this is a wonderful surprise! Come in, come in!" My father said as he ushers me inside the house. I was taking off my coat when I heard little footsteps approaching. "(Y/N)!" Olivia squealed and I kneel down as she runs full speed at me and gives me a big hug.

"Hello, Olivia!" I said with a smile. "How's the birthday girl?"

"Good, but now it's better now you're here." Oliva said and I laugh.
"This is my very best birthday!" She exclaimed.

"But we haven't given you your presents yet." I said and I hand her the little pink package. She takes it and unwraps it and pulls out a gold heart shaped necklace I picked up during my travels.

"Ooohh, it's so pretty!" She squealed and I smile as she gives me another hug. "Thank you, thank you!" She said as I help put the necklace on.

"You're welcome." I replied as father walks next to us and said. "I believe it's my turn. Now, Olivia, close your eyes and no peeking!" He said as we break the hug and he heads to one of the cupboards and digs around as Olivia covers her eyes.

She tried to sneak a peek and I wag my finger at her and smile. "Uh-uh-uh. He said no peeking." And she giggles and covers her eyes again.
Father walks over to the table and I pick Olivia and made sure she was still covering her eyes and set her on one of the stools by the table.

He places a small toy, resembling a flowerbed, on the table. He winds the key up and sets it in front of Olivia. As a gentle tune plays, Olivia opens her eyes and sees that the bud turned into a mouse ballerina, who dances for her. "Oh, Daddy! You made this just for me?" Olivia asked and he nods. "That's very beautiful, father." I said as I admire the small toy. My father smiles at us and said. "Thank you."

The doll finishes her dance and Olivia jumps down from her stool and hugs our father. "You're the most wonderful father in the whole world!" She said.

At that moment, the door begins to rattle and the three of us stare at it. "Um, father, are you expecting anyone?" I asked him. He shakes his head. "Who is that?" Olivia asked. "I don't know! Quickly, dears, stay in here and don't come out!" My father said as he hands Olivia to me and points towards one of the cupboards. I climbed inside, with Olivia in my arms, and sit down in it as my father shuts the door and stand in front of it.

Olivia starts to shake in fear but I hold her tighter to my chest and I open the door a little and looked through the cracks and watch, in terror, my father fighting with a bat, who had a pegged leg which I noticed because it was kind of odd. The table flies towards the cupboard, shutting the door and startles me back.

"Now I gotcha, toy maker!" The bat said with a cackle. "Oh! Olivia! (Y/N)!" My father shouted.

Then suddenly, silence. I open the door and I was able to push the table out of the way. Olivia starts to sob in my shoulder and I shush her to keep her calm. "It's okay, little sister. We're okay. We're okay." I whispered.

"But where's daddy?" She asked.

"I don't know, sis. But we will find him. I promise." I said as I hold back tears as Olivia starts to cry out for our father. I look around the room and see a newspaper with the headline, FAMOUS DETECTIVE SOLVES BAFFLING DISAPPEARANCE.

I set Olivia down as I walk towards it and pick it up, it said that the detective was named Basil of Baker Street. I hold up the newspaper use the scissors, which I found in one of the drawers, and cut out that particular story to take with us.

I hold it towards Olivia and said. "We can go to this detective, Basil. Maybe he can help us out." I said as I see tears running down Olivia's face. I pick her up and kiss her furry cheek and she lets out a small giggle.

"Come on. Let's see if we can find father." I said and she nods and I help get her coat on and I place her little hat on her head. I grab my coat, put it on and the both of us head to Baker Street.

The Great Mouse Detective  (Basil x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now