Chapter 5: The Toy Store

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"Splendid job, Toby!" Basil praised as he jumped off of Toby's muzzle onto a window ledge. I walk onto Toby's muzzle and try to balance myself when suddenly I lost my footing. I gave a small yelp when suddenly I felt arms around me and I look up to see Basil has caught me. We stare at each other for a few moments again, my heart pounding in my chest, when I finally got up on my feet and said. "Um, thank you, Basil."

"No problem Miss (y/n)." He said with a smirk. Olivia stands on Toby's muzzle and holds out her arms towards me. I look into Basil's eyes one more time before I go and hold out my arms towards her.

She jumps and I catch her and set her down and move her out of the way for Dawson to land on.

As Dawson moves down, Toby begins to growl at him again. He tips his hat and is prepared to make a hasty jump, but Toby makes a deliberate sneeze, which sends Dawson tumbling head over heels, hitting Basil. He looks down at Dawson then over at Toby. "Now Toby....sit!" He ordered but the dog doesn't listen to him.

Basil marches back down the window still and stands in front of the dog. "Toby, sit." He said, more strictly.

"Sit, Toby." Olivia said and the dog promptly sits and I can't help but giggle. Basil stares at Olivia with a hint of jealousy in his eyes but it softens when he looks over at me while I'm giggle. "Good boy." Basil said to Toby, still not taking his eyes off of me.

He walks past Olivia and I and said. "If you'll excuse me." Olivia looks over at Toby and said. "You be good now. We're going to find our father." I look behind me and see Basil is inspecting the ledge and window.

Then he points to a spot on the window and exclaimed. "Ah-ha! Here is our friend's entrance."

"But Basil  how could he fit through such a tiny..." Dawson started to ask but Basil interrupts him. "Observe, Doctor." And he takes Dawson's hand and sticks one of his fingers into the hole.

Olivia and I walk over to the men as Dawson pulls his hand back, displaying that Fidget used the window as a door. "Basil, you astound me!" Dawson said as I nod in agreement. Basil smiles over at me before he shushed us and climbs inside, followed by me, Olivia and Dawson.
After getting inside, Dawson closes the window.

As we walk inside, I hear Dawson bumping into something and I look behind me and see he has bumped into to a huge doll. "Ooh! I beg your pardon, I--" Dawson started to say before he realized that he was talking to a doll.

We look around what seems to be a toy store because all around there was shelves of dolls, knick knacks, toy soldiers and music boxes everywhere. "Upon my word I've never seen so many toys." I said and Basil darts out from behind the doll's leg. "Behind any of which could lurk a bloodthirsty assassin! So please, Doctor and Miss (y/n) very careful." He said, warningly, to us and he moves stealthily between the toys and through shadows, Olivia, Dawson and I stay close behind. We start to climb up a ladder, leading us to a higher shelf.

Basil, Dawson and I quietly creep down the shelf, when a sudden crashing noise from behind causes us to freeze and I jump and leap into Basil's arms as Dawson cowers behind him.

We look behind us and see that Olivia has turned on a toy music box and is watching get a noisy fireman band play. "Oh! What the....ooh!" Basil grumbles and sets me down gently to my feet as he leaps for the control lever, shutting the toy off.

"Olivia! Please keep quiet!" I whispered to her.

"Okay, (y/n)." She said, looking good down at her feet.

I got down on my knees and kiss her forehead as Basil walks over to Dawson and said. "Don't let these girls out of your sight!" I look behind me and see Dawson stands at attention and salutes as Basil walks past.
He looks over at us and we give a playful salute of our own and I take Olivia's hand. "Now, Olivia and (y/n), stay close." Dawson said and done the three of us follow Basil.

The Great Mouse Detective  (Basil x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now