Chapter 11: A New Life Begins

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"To be thanked by the Queen herself! Oh, how very thrilling, eh, Basil?" Dawson asked as he and I looked at the newspaper, which reads: QUEEN HONOURS DETECTIVE, along with the subheadings QUEEN PRAISES DETECTIVE BASIL, MEDAL TO BE GIVEN and TIME RUNS OUT FOR RATIGAN with a picture of Basil and Dawson bowing before the Queen as she Knights them for their bravery. Basil places Ratigan's bell on the mantle as he said. "All in a day's work, Doctor."  

"Oh Dr. Dawson, you were wonderful!" Olivia praised as Dawson chuckles bashfully.

"Indeed." Father said as he looks down at his pocketwatch. "Oh my, we're late to catch our train. Come along, Olivia." He said.

"Yes, Father." Olivia replied, then he looks over at me. "You sure you don't want to come with us?" He asked and I look over my shoulder and stare at Basil. "I'm sure, Father. I think I belong here." I said and Basil smiles at me as I look back at my father. He smiles and walks up to me and hugs me.

I hear him starting to sob and I say. "Oh, don't be sad, Father. I'll come visit. I promise." He looks at me and kisses my cheek as he pulls back from the hug. Olivia comes up to me and hugs me.
"I'll miss you, (y/n)." Olivia cried.
"Oh, my dear sister, I'll miss you too." I said as I kneel down and hug her, tightly. 

Then I remember something and I dug into my pocket and pulled out her necklace I got her. "My necklace! I thought I lost it!" She exclaims as I put it around her neck. "Luckily, Basil found it when you dropped it." I said as I let her go and she walks over to Basil and hugs him.

"Thank you." She whispers to him. He smiles at her as she continues. "Goodbye, Basil."

Basil kneels down and places his hand on her shoulder. "Goodbye, Miss.....Miss Flangerhanger." He said as she stares at him for a moment and I chuckle.

She shakes her head, a smile on her face as she looks up at me and Dawson. "Whatever." Dawson chuckles.

"Goodbye, Dr Dawson." She said.

"Goodbye, my dear." Dawson said to her. Father approaches Basil and gives him a stern look.

"Now, you better take good care of my daughter." He said.

Basil chuckles and said. "Sir, your daughter is in good hands. I'll keep her safe and happy." He looks over at me and takes my hand hand in his, intertwining our fingers together. I smile up at him and kiss him, gently, on the lips.

Father chuckles and said. "Good." He looks at me and gives me another hug. I remove my hand from Basil's and hug my father back and I see Olivia running towards us and hug us as well. 

After a few moments of this tender, loving, family moment, we break apart and father and Olivia head out to the door. Olivia turns back around and whispers. "Goodbye." And she shuts the door.

"Well, um.....Not a bad little girl, actually." Basil said as he sniffles and I laugh. Dawson puts on his hat and looks like he is about to leave. "Not at all. Well, it's time I was on my way too." He said.

" I thought..." Basil said, looking at the Doctor confused.

Dawson dons his jacket and said. "Well, the case is over. Mmm....perhaps it's....well, perhaps it's best I found my own living quarters." He said.

"But...but, Doctor...." I stammered but at that moment there was a knock at the door.
"Oh, now who can that be?" Basil asked. 

Dawson opens the door and a young lady mouse is standing outside. "I-is this the home of the famous Basil of Baker Street?" She asked, hesitatinngly. Dawson takes his hat off to welcome her. "Indeed it is, Miss. You look as if you're in some trouble." He said.

"Oh, I am! I am!" She cries as she wipes her eyes.

"Then, you've come to precisely the right place." Dawson said as Basil walks up to him and places an arm around him.

"Ah, allow me to introduce my trusted associate, Dr. Dawson, and my lovely lady, Miss (y/n), with whom I do all my cases. Isn't that right, you two?" Basil said.

"What?" Dawson and I asked.

"Oh, yes. Yes! By all means." Dawson said after a moment of thinking. We look between each other for a moment, then Basil gets straight to business. "As you can see, Dawson and (y/n), this young lady has just arrived from the Hampstead district and is troubled about the disappearance of an emerald ring missing from the third finger of her right hand. Now, tell me your story and, pray, be precise." Basil said.

From that time on, Basil, Dawson and I were a close team and over the years, we had many cases together. And as I sit here in the chair across from Basil, while he smokes his pipe and looks over a case file, I look down at my wedding ring then look over to the side and watch our son and daughter trying out their own chemistry set, I will always look back on that first with the most fondness; my introduction to Basil of Baker Street.....the Great Mouse Detective and the love of my life.

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