New and Unfamiliar Things

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"Move in with me."

Killian froze in his seat, his eyes widen at her comment. He looks confused at first. Did Emma just asked him to move in with him? Move into that big house he and Henry chose for their future? The one with the white picket fence?

The loud and fast pounding of his heart beating cause his ears to block the sounds surrounding them. He had to hear her say that again. He felt like this was all a dream, and he'll be awake on the cot on his ship, beside Belle and her constant snoring. They were taking their relationship very slow, and now Emma is asking him to move in with her?

"What?" He asked her in surprise, now looking at her.

Emma still had that smile on her face, playing with his hair with her hand. Killian looks at Emma, seeing that she is so confident with herself. "Move in with me." She repeats, more confident this time.

"I know everything in life is uncertain. Sometimes, you have to walk out the door and hope there is not a bus." She explains to him softly.

That last sentence made Killian chuckle, looking away from Emma for a quick moment. She has definitely seen Archie today. When he started hearing Emma speaking, he quickly drop his grin and looks back at Emma with all seriousness he has to give her.

"I mean," she pauses, thinking about how to explain that part to him. Her head was down, eyes looking away from Killian and onto the ground. It was a few seconds later that Emma looks back up at Killian and smiles at him slowly every time she continues to speak. This time playing with his head on the back of his neck.

"I have a closet full of red jackets I feel like we can make some space for black leather."

"Well when you put it like that, I would love, to move in with you." Killian immediately responses to Emma's little command. His smile was big, showing his teeth towards her. He felt very joyful inside of him.

He leans towards her quickly, capture his lips with her. Caressing her cheek with his hand and his hook touching her hand down beside of them, the two were smiling into the kiss. It didn't need to go down further, because there is love, caring, and joyful all in one kiss, even if tounges weren't involved. It cause Killian to smile into the kiss, meaning that Emma is smiling along as well.

After a moment, Killian stops kissing Emma, but he left his lips on hers just a little bit longer before slowly pulling away. Killian opens his eyes slowly, seeing his girlfriend still having her eyes closed and her smile still plastered on her face.

'She is so beautiful.' He grins, putting his forehead onto hers. He can tell that Emma is joyful and excited as well. She opens her eyes and looks up at Killian for only a split second until she wraps her arms around his neck, closing her eyes once more. Her head was buried in his neck, enjoy being in his arms. Killian gladly wrapped his arms around her waist. He puts his chin on her collarbone, closing his eyes as well.

"I love you so much Killian." Emma whispers in his ear.

Killian somehow got chills all down his spine. Her voice was so loving and caring. He knew she meant this with all of her heart, but somehow, she added another tone in this as well. Something new that he has never heard of before. That tone was lust.

He responded by pecking his lips all over her collarbone and her neck. He can feel her tense up a bit, but she relaxed, loving his soft kisses on her skin. He kept kissing, up towards her cheek and into her ear. He puts his lips close to her ear and whispers back, "I love you too, Emma."

Emma blushes hard, already feeling the heat on her cheeks. He added lust in his voice as well. Oh good lord, Killian is going to be a death of her. Killian is thinking of the same thing as well. Both of them will be the death of each other.

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