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Your pov:

I wake up the next a bit groggy after the party,  I slowly move out of bed to get my slippers and freeing gown. I walk downstairs, it seems I'm the only one around. Damn it dad and kids are gone to soccer and mum probably volunteering. (As you do) I put the kettle on and turn on the TV.
"Another four more dead bodies of sex offenders have been found. All bodies haven't be damaged but their blood have been drained." I look up. This is weird this been happening since last week. "It's like a vampire joke. I m sure this person deals with something science." I laugh at the comments the police had to say. There is no such thing as vampires. I cleaned up tyre breakfast, after that I tidied up my bedroom and text my aunt Lane if she and my little cousin Sam who is 5 at home. Luckily they were so, I drove over to see them. I knock on the door. I hear tiny feet running to the door. "Y/N" I pick up Sam and hug him tightly. "Hey there tiger!" I say smiling. "I missed you!" He says hugging my neck.  "I missed you too bud. So tell me any news?" I ask him walking into the house heading to the kicthen. "Hi aunt Lane." I say hugging her while Sam still in my arms. "Hey y/n looking good." She smilies. I thank her. We sit down at the kitchen table and catching up. We talked about everything until Sam wanted to play superheroes. "Pretty Please!" Sam begs me with pleading eyes. "Alright!Let's get our costumes" Sam claps his hands and runs to his bedroom. I laugh follow him.

Lauren Pov:
I come back after from a busy night of well killing. It doesn't sound that bad trust me. I'm just taking a bite of the bad guys I mean really dirty bad people. I walk into my house. "Your late." Says Chris my brother walking down the stairs. "I was busy." Walking into the kicthen grabbing a glass and filling it with water. "Right I believe you. Just quit following that girl." "The girl was getting bullied by a boy what did you expected me to do?" I said. I accidentally break the glass. I look down. "Sorry." "It's fine just be careful." He says walking out. I tidy the mess up and go into my bedroom to play some music to chill myself out. I then think about her. Maybe I should talk to her more often.

A/N: hey all, what you all think so far od the story? I'm going to frequently update this book until halloween! Vote comment and follow! Thanks for reading so far! S x

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