You are her only hope

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"I'll do anything to save her! Please what do I need to do." Toby asks the doctors. He had already lost Spencer, he doesn't want to lose his daughter too.
"First we need to do a blood test to see if you guys are a match and then we can go from there" Toby nods his head and is escorted to a room. He turns back as he walks away from Spencer's hospital room and he whispers to himself "I will do anything it takes for your daughter, our daughter even if you don't know me let alone love me anymore."

"Okay Toby, you and your daughter share the same blood type. Are you still willin-" the doctor asks Toby but he is cut off by a nervous Toby.
"Yes, yes her life is on the line can we please just hurry this up! I have already lost one person in this world that matters most to me, I don't wanna lose another." The doctors nods and continues to extract Toby's blood.

A few hours later.....
Toby sits outside Spencer's hospital bed, waiting on news about his daughter. He didn't want to go back into Spencer's room after what happened last time he was there. Him sitting outside her room was enough incase she needed him.

"Toby" the doctor says while walking up to him. Toby looks up. "Hey, could I talk to you both and Spencer in the same room, it's about your daughter"

"IS SHE OKAY, did the surgery work?" He asked the doctors.
Doctor- "I would like to tell you and Miss Hastings at the same time what's happening"
Toby- "I don't think that's idea, we aren't the same people as we once were"
Doctor- "Please, just come. You don't have to say or do anything. I will explain this whole thing to Miss Hastings"

Toby nods and follows the doctor into her room.
The doctor speaks "Good evening Miss Hastings, how are you feeling"
"It's Miss Jones, thank you." She stubbornly replies" God she is still her stubborn still, Toby thinks to himself.

"I'm sorry, Miss Hast- Jones, I would like to inform you and Mr Cavaungh here on what's happening with your daughter."

"Excuse me, who's Mr Cavaungh" Spencer asks
"That would be me" Toby speaks up
"YOU! That's impossible we have never met! NO I refuse to believe that this loser is the father of my daughter! I just don't understand how this is possible" Spencer begins to start balling her eyes

Just as I put my hand on Spencer's shoulder. Someone runs through the doors. It's someone I thought I would never see again.

"Luke! Your here" Spencer says wiping away her tears.

Toby thinks to himself, no this is impossible. 'Luke' gives him a nasty look and stares him off.

"We meet again, Carpenter." Speaks a British voice.

It's Wren.


So are you surprised on what just happened!!! Sorry I haven't updated lately, I will try to update whenever I have free time!

Guys, today is the day of the end! Minutes ago, the cast wrapped for the finale time😭😭 I'm very proud on what this show has become and seeing these amazing actors grow up with us for the last 7 years! I am grateful that I joined this fandom as I believe we are the biggest and most loving fandom there is! Even though the cast have met there end of playing the characters for the last time! We still have 10 episodes to go. We have huge unanswered questions that we still have to look forward to, the mystery, the friendship between the liars, the ships! Thank you to Sara Shepard for creating this amazing series as if it wasn't for her, PLL wouldn't exist! ❤️❤️❤️

Until next time

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