The Puppeteer

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Me, Adrien, Marinette, Manon, Alya, Bryan (Mari's boyfriend) and Nino are in the mall ice skating.

And right now, i am doing my best to avoid Adrien by being with Manon since the other four are in their own little worlds.

"Yeah, that's great Manon. You're doing great!" I commented

"Too..too slippery!"

"Haha, you'll get the hang of it!" I flinched at the familiar voice.


Manon skated away in a wobbly way.

"Hey, Anna...uh..."


"I just want to ask why are you avoiding me"

"Pft, me, avoiding you? Not gonna happen"

"Anna, you're looking anywhere but me"


"Ahaha! The ring is just so pretty so..."

Adrien suddenly held my hand and we started skating away.

" hand..."

"For whatever it is I've done. I'm sorry"

"Adrien, you didn't do anything wrong, so don't apologize"


"Tell you what, how about we just have fun ice skating?"

"Sure..." He smiled

This is better that us going to be talking in serious mode.


"Mari, is there something wrong?" Bryan asked

"Oh nothing. Its just...I'm worried about Anna and Adrien"

"Ah. So it wasn't just me who noticed the weird aura around them then"

I wonder what happened...

In the end, both of us decided to go check on them. When we got there, all we could do was gape in shock along with Alya and Nino.

"What the heck?!"-Bryan

"Those two are THAT talented in ice skating?!" -me

"A-awesome! Are they even allowed to do that?!"-Nino

"It must be their natural talent kicking in. And the fact that they're spending time together"-Alya

Nino nodded. "Seriously, if we get kicked out because of them, I'm gonna cry"

We continued to watch them with smiles on our faces. Looks like their old relationship came back.


"Anna, look out!"-Adrien


Our eyes widened at what we saw. FINALLY!


I felt a warm pair of lips on my own and saw that it belonged to Adrien. He immediately pulled away and blushed. I felt the heat rush to my face.

This makes it two kisses then..wait, why am i even counting them?!

"S-sorry! Anna, are you okay?!"

I sat up "I'm...okay..."

"Can you walk? Can you skoot? I-I mean, can you skate?!"

"I should be the one asking you that! Your face fell on my face and you need it to model! Ahhh!"

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