Midnight Visit and Climatika

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I was just in my room, chilling in my room 1 week after Adrien's birthday when i heard a noise from my window.

I flinched. W-what was that?...a ghost?...monster?...dammit Blaze! Why must you be a heavy sleeper?!


I gulped and grabbed my flashlight. I slowly made my way to my window and opened it.

"Go away ghost, or else i'll h-hit you!" I said

I can fight a criminal or something, but NOT a ghost. And that's why i'm afraid of them.

"Uh...my lady, since i'm not a ghost, you won't punch me right?"

My eyes opened and saw a confused Chat Noir. What the heck?! How did he know where i live?!

"Oh, s-sorry. I thought...you...nevermind. So um...can i help you with something Chat Noir?"

"Can i enter?" He asked

"Oh, sorry. Yeah."

He entered my room and i closed the window. He sat in my chair.

"What brings you here?"

"I'm just simply worried about you my lady."

"Huh? Worried about what?"

"Did you get hurt or something during the bubbler incident?"

"No. I didn't."

"I see. That's good to hear."

"....is that all?"

"Not really. I just want to know you better. I'm Chat Noir, as you already know."

"I'm Joanna Van Heusen" i smiled as we shook hands.

"Are you friends with that model guy?"

"Huh? Who?"

"His name is...Adrian...Adrien Agreste right?"

"Oh, Adrien. Yeah we're friends." I replied

"What do you think of him?"

"Hm, well he's a really nice guy, thoughtful and protective of his friends. Why do you ask?"

"Oh nothing, he's just one of the citizens i became friends with"

"Oh really. Cool" i giggled

"Do you have any idea who likes him?"

Marinette Dupain does. But i won't tell him that.

"Not that i know of..."

"What about you? Do you have a crush on him?"

I let out a chuckle. "Heyyy you ask too many questions. Curiosity killed the cat right?"

"But I'm curious"

"Haha. Look, all i know is Adrien is important to me"

"I see...well,its getting late. I better go now, my lady"

"Bye Chat Noir."

"Bye Anna" he smiled and patted me on the forehead.

He left through my window. Why did he call me by my nickname?... Hm, maybe he just wanted to



"There you are! Glad you could make it!"

"Hey Marinette. Hey Alya! Of course i'd make it! You guys are watching Adrien's photoshoot. I gotta learn what i can"

I looked at Adrien who's posing different pictures for the noisy and overreacting photographer that is yapping about spaghetti.

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