7. Confessing their love

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Legolas awoke with a gasp and shot up into a sitting position. Aragorn was startled awake and fell back from his kneeled position in shock.

"Legolas?" He whispered and kneeled up once more.

Legolas gritted his teeth as the sword scraped against his heart, and groaned as he pulled it out and let it slip from his bloodied hands.
Aragorn looked at the sword as it hit the floor, dumbstruck.

Legolas grabbed the man's hands tightly in his, and tried to smile calmly.

"He didn't use wood. You need wood to kill a vampire. I'm fine...unfortunately." His smile died at the lasts word, and he sighed.

Then he laughed humourlessly.
"I guess he wasn't around a century ago."

Aragorn opened his mouth, before he closed it again. Then he remembered what Legolas said before he 'died'.

"Do you love me Legolas?" He asked, nothing but kindness in his grey eyes.

Legolas insecure met his eyes, and Aragorn saw that he fought the urge to bite his lip as he was on his way a few times. He sighed and looked down,  before he met Aragorn's gaze again.

"Yes I do..I think I have for a long time."

Aragorn spun around as he heard voices right outside of the door, and ran to close it. He mustn't show anyone Legolas was still alive.

"We need to talk outside." He said and leaned against the door.
"Don't worry, we'll have time to talk, but first we need to get you out of here."

Legolas took a deep breath and nodded. He rose from the bed and approached his love.

He looked at Aragorn, and the man backed away from the door. Nodding his thanks Legolas slipped outside. He met one of the guards, who gasped loudly.
Legolas remembered that he could compel him, and he did. He grasped his shoulders in a firm grip and looked him deep in the eyes.

"You will not scream."

The guard relaxed and Legolas continued, relieved it worked.
"You will go tell everyone in Minas Tirith that I am dead. You'll tell them the vampire situation is over."

"I'll tell them it's over."


The guard turned around and left without another word.

Legolas looked back at Aragorn, who stood against the doorframe. He looked amazed, and sad.

Legolas turned to leave, when Aragorn's voice stopped him.

"I love you Legolas."

Legolas felt himself froze, and he stared at the opposite wall for a few moments. Slowly, he turned around to face the man.

Aragorn looked distressed.

"I'm sorry." Legolas whispered when he found his voice.
"I don't want you to see me like this..."

"I want to help you."
Aragorn said and took a few steps forward, making Legolas take one back.

"Please let me help you Legolas."

"Aragorn, I killed Eowyn. My best friend! I nearly killed Arwén...I can't be saved."

Aragorn watched as Legolas turned around, and found a shovel leaning against the wall. He grabbed it and smashed it over his knee, making it sharp. He dropped the other half and rose the one he held, ready to stab himself in the heart.

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