Eremika Goals 5

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"What are you guys doing?"the figure exclaimed as it slowly walked over to mikasa, eren and beaten up jean. "Annie" Eren said in relief. "Why is jean beatenup?" Asked The blond haired girl. "Annie, we will tell you, only if you promise not to tell anyone."Mikasa said to annie. "Ok.Just tell me" Annie replied. "Well...." Mikasa and eren looked at eachover with a big grin on thier faces."Me and mikasa are dating!" Eren said exitedly. Thier was a long pause while annie Put a suprised but sad face on herself."Oh...... Well good for you, i guess" Annie said Then she walked away. Eren looked at mikasa with a confused face. "Oh well. C'mon jean!As much as i hate you, i still am, kind of, a good person." Eren exclaimed as he walked over to jean and put him on his shoulder. They then finally started to walk away.

They all got to the girls dorm so eren can say goodnight to mikasa." Today was a very wierd day..." Eren Said."Yeah, Well can i get a, ummm..., a goodnight kiss?"Asked mikasa. "For sure!" Eren replied as a grin started to come up on his face. There face's started to get closer To eachover, and as thier lips touched Jean started shouting at them. They immediatly pulled away. Erens anger started to rise so he threwjean into the nearby cleaning cuboard, shut the door and kissed mikasa. He was suprised with her soft gentle lips as they smooched. Every second was heaven as usual. They Slowly pulled away as eren said "Goodnight then. We dont want to get introuble by levi." Then Mikasa replied with "ok. well see you tommorow!"Mikas then opened the door to her dorm and went inside.

Eren slowly walked over to the cuboard with a very happy smile. He then put jean on his shoulder and walked to the boys dorm. When he finally got thier he put jean on the bed and realized he badly needed to go toilet. But on the way thier A voice came up from the shadows. "Hey eren, can i talk to you...about mikasa" Annie xclaimed as she came from the shadows. " Ummm... sure!" Eren replied." Look i know you might not believe me, and might hate me after this. But i need to tell you the truth..."Annie said.

"What is it?"Eren asked. " Mikasa... doesnt actually like you. She always tells me that she hates you in the dorms and thats why i looked suprised back then. And then i was sad as i realized that she was using you. Using you to get closer to Levi. She knows he always call's for you. She likes levi."Annie exclaimed. A shocked, sad and cofused face came upon eren. "no,No,NO you cant be telling the truth...." Eren then ran away back to the dorms. He thought about all the good times they spent together. Tears started to roll down erens face as he crashed into bed. This made armin wake up. Armin quickly heard eren cry and decided not to help beacause armin knew that eren hated people noticing or helping him when he criess. Armin wonderd what couldve happend to eren that was that bad.He knew eren barley cried, and for eren to be crying this much! Something BAD mustve happend.

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