Two [Edited]

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"She gave you another tutor?" Yoosung asks in a surprised tone. You were outside in the courtyard eating your lunch.

You both always sit in the same spot under the shade of a cherry blossom tree. It was especially a beautiful sight when the blossoms would fall off the tree and surround you while you ate.

"Yeah, I hope he forgets about the tutoring and doesn't text me." You roll your eyes, taking a bite of your granola bar.

"Well," Yoosung started, "maybe the tutor will be good for you. You never know unless you try." He takes a bite of his sandwich. Chunks of peanut butter fall of the end and onto the grass. Jeez, who puts that much peanut butter on a sandwich? You swear there is more peanut butter than bread on that thing.

"I thought you'd agree with me." You mutter. Of all people, Yoosung was always the one to agree with your complaints. It was a bit surprising that he didn't this time.

"It's not that I don't agree with you, it's that I don't want you to fail your class."

"If I fail, maybe I can be in it with you next year, Yoosung." Yoosung shakes his head at that.

"I'm only in geometry now, [Y/N]. Next year I will be taking either Algebra II or PreCalc." You sigh. He was right, there wasn't a chance of you two being in class together.

"Yeah, well..." You were at a loss. You knew deep down that you would have to take Calculus over the summer. "Why is math so difficult!" You throw your hands up in defeat.

"This is exactly why a tutor would help."

You mutter something about tutors never helping in the past, which Yoosung hears.

"It's not exactly like you give them a chance, [Y/N]." He sighs and rests his head against the tree.

"What do you mean?" You question, giving Yoosung a frown.

"I mean, you never give the tutors you've had in the past a chance to actually teach you. You always complain and goof off when they try to help you. Remember Jahee, [Y/N]? You wouldn't even go to the library to meet her! She waited there for hours!"

"How do you know about that?"

"We are in the same club together, remeber? But, that's not the point." You sighed and shook your head. "[Y/N], look at me..." you slowly turn your head in his direction, still frowning.

"What does it matter? Nothing works. You know that, I know that, my teacher sure as hell knows that." You fidget with your hands. "I am just hopeless when it comes to math."

"Who did your teacher ask to help you?" He asks.

"Some kid named Luciel, or something." You reply, shoving the granola bar wrapper into your lunch bag.

"Luciel Choi?" Yoosung raises an eyebrow, "707? Saeyoung? That Luciel."

"Umm... I guess?" You give Yoosung a confused look. The boy you talked to didn't have any numbers in his name. "Just Luciel, that's all she told me."

"Does he have red hair?" You nod, "Really weird checkered glasses?" You nod again, "Pale as a ghost." You throw your hands up in defense.

"I mean, I guess so. I didn't exactly get a good look at him." You lean against the tree with him, "I take it you know him?" Yoosung nods, excitedly.

"Yeah, we are in the same club together! You know, the one Jahee is in, too." He pauses, "You should really join it. We have a lot of cool people in the club already, but it would be extra fun with you on board."

"You ask me almost everyday, Yoosung, my answer remains the same." You chuckled. You had to hand it to the boy, he was persistant.

"But it's for a good cause! It's almost like Interact, but you don't need hours of service prior to joining! Come on, [Y/N], I know how much you love volunteering."

"I'll think about it and get back to you three to four business years." Your smirked. This caused Yoosung to spring out of his seat, sending candy wrappers flying all over.

"What? We will be out of high school by then!" He whines, "Please actually give it some thought. Real thought."

"Yeah, yeah, okay." You stare up at the sky, "I'll give it some thought, then." You don't look at him, but you can tell Yoosung is smiling.

"Thank you."


[Original Word Count: 630//Current Word Count: 751. Edited on: 05/30/2020]

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