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"I am so proud of you, [Y/N]!" Seven grins while walking to drama class with you. Apparently you both had class next to each other last period; You never noticed that he always came out of the classroom at the same time as you, but he did, and today he finally found the nerve to stop you.

"Thanks, Seven, it's all thanks to your weeks of teaching!" You smile back at him. You thought your eyes were playing tricks on you when you saw a light blush dust his cheeks; you weren't sure if he was blushing because he turned away quickly before you could investigate.

"Well, you caught on pretty quickly, so give yourself some credit, too." He adds, staring straight ahead.

"I guess so..." You shrug, trailing off when you arrive at the drama classroom. You suddenly notice a white haired male staring at the two of you from the doorway.

"Hey, [Y/N]!" Zen grinned from ear to ear, "And 707? It's nice to see you too, Saeyoung." Zen adds, a hint of sarcasm evident in his voice.

"Yeah, you too." Seven replies, his voice oozing with venom.

Huh? What is this? Why are they both so unpleasant towards eachother?

The hall was filled with uncomfortable silence, causing you to shift from foot to foot.

"Why are we just standing out here?" You wonder aloud, "Can we not go in?"

Just like that, Zen's frown turned into a smile. "Yeah, you can come in! I didn't mean to block the door."

You pass Zen in the doorway and he follows you in. Seven is no longer with you because he had to return to the soundbooth.

"So, are you ready to run through the script today?" You ask Zen.

"Oh yeah! I'm going to be great!" He responds proudly. You cock your head to the side. "I mean it is! It is going to be great!"

"Nice save." You snicker. "So, how are we starting this show?" You ask, pulling out your notebook full of ideas on stage cues.

"Well, like you said, we should start off with the characters practicing for the show. Maybe we can have the "director" of the show sit in the audience and jump out yelling "cut" when something doesn't go his way."

"Sounds like the perfect role for you." You add, causing him to laugh.

"Yeah, maybe I'll play the director, eh? As long as you play the love interest."

Just then, you heard a loud booming noise coming from the sound booth, and saw a very flustered Seven sinking into his chair.

707's P.O.V:

I heard what Zen said to her. I didn't really want to hear that coming from him. Not again.

He always does this, it's sickening.

He always acts like he's hot stuff when in reality he is just a narcassistic jerk who would hit on anything with a pulse.

I have become painfully aware that the entire class was staring at me when the sound booth made a loud noise. In my frustration, I accidently cranked up the sound and caused static in the speakers.

I couldn't help it, though. I didn't like how she was laughing at Zen, the way she should be laughing at my lame jokes.

"Seven, what the hell?" One of the seniors at the soundboard with me whined as he turned the volume down again.

"S-sorry..." I mumbled, running a hand through my hair.

God, why am I thinking like this? Stupid feelings...

I just want to be loved by her.

I want to protect her from danger, including  Zen. I want to hold her in my arms and pepper her with kisses.

But I can't.


Why did I have to like her? She would have never noticed me if our math teacher didn't set me up as her tutor.  I would have been content just admiring her beauty from afar, but now that I talk to her, I can't escape my feelings.

"Um, Seven?" An angelic voice rings in my head. I look up from the keys on the booth I was intently staring at and see her.

Oh, [Y/N], what are you doing to me?

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