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[Y/N]'s POV:
Time seems to move slowly the rest of the day; time always moves slow when you are excited. And for once, you were excited.

Although you were still a little frazzled by Seven's behavior during Drama class, you were excited to see him for tutoring. (Less for tutoring, more for him).

Last period is study hall, so you busy yourself with important things: watching netflix on your phone. You chose to watch [Insert Show], as it was currently one of your favorite shows to watch.

You get about halfway through an episode when there is a harsh knock at the classroom door. You abruptly snap your head towards the door and notice a tuffet of blonde hair. Everyone in the class seemed startled, and they became more startled when Yoosung flung open the door.

"Excuse the interruption but I need to see [F/N] [L/N] RIGHT NOW!" Yoosung yells frantically.

You pull your earbuds out of your ears and wave Yoosung over. You were kind of embaressed that Yoosung decided to randomly barge in close to the end of the period. You wanted to sink into your seat and disappear in that moment, but you knew Yoosung would have found you anyway.

"[Y/N]!! [Y/N]!!" Yoosung grabs your wrist and squeezes it. Wincing at his intense grip on you, you swat his hand away. You are deadly aware of all the eyes seeping into you, wondering what could be so urgent.

"Next time, knock like a normal human being and don't scream for me." You whisper, shaking your head.

"But it's important!" Yoosung replies, frantic. His eyes look like they are about to pop out of their sockets.

"What could be so important that you interrupt my quality time with [insert show]?" You whine, rubbing your temples. You love Yoosung, but he could give you a real headache.

"I don't understand how to solve this equation." Yoosung whines, slamming his paper down on your desk. He aggressively points at the problem he needs help with.

Someone save this boy.

"Why are you asking me for help?" I ask, staring at the problem in front of me."

"Because Seven wasn't in the resource center as an aid today!" Yoosung continues to whine. "Mrs. Wes said he went home sick."

"He went home sick?" You question.

"Yeah! He never misses school!" Yoosung sighs and shakes his blonde hair around. "So, can you help me?"He asks, his purple eyes pleading with you.

"Fine, if you are that desperate." You sigh. You weren't in the right mindset to help him out now; you were beginning to worry even more about Seven.

Maybe I should visit him after school and see if he needs anything. We are supposed to go grocery shopping, after all.


You walk up to Seven's door, apprehensively. You see no light escaping through the cracks in the curtains of the window; there is no sign of life inside. You think about turning away since it appeared that no one was there, but you lightly knocked on the door anyway. And you wait.

And wait.

And wait.

And no one answers the door. In fact, nothing stirred in that house. It was as if it had be vacated months ago. You try knocking again. And you wait.

And wait.

And wait.

And again, no one answered. You sigh in defeat; he wasn't going to answer the door if he was in there. You felt helpless.

As a last resort, you reach for the door handle. Your hand slips around the cold metal as you turn it; a small clicking noise is heard as the door creaks open.

God, this is so stalkerish. I should really shut the door. Your conscious tells you, but your unconscious seemed to have other insentives.

You pull your shoes off before stepping on the cold hardwood floor of the entryway. The floor creaks beneath your feet, just like the door did when it opened.

Okay, now I really feel like a stalker. You think to yourself. This was like a scene from a horror movie, except you weren't carrying a knife and you didn't have intent to kill. Well, maybe you had intent to kill; intent to kill who ever sent Seven home.

You walk up the staircase and notice a faint light ommiting from the door at the end of the hall. Seven's room. You walk up to it, despite your body aching for you to turn back around before you look like a creeper, and lightly tap on the door.

"Saeran?" You hear Seven speak. Who is Saeran?

"Umm, not exactly..." You squeak as you push the door open, "it's me."

Seven furrows his eyebrows and stares down at his lap. His eyes were red, or so you could perceive, and his hood was over his head. He had fuzzy black slippers on and sweats. His hair was a tangled mess from what you could see under the hoodie and it almost covered his face.

"What are you doing here?" He frowns.

What did I do? "I just came to check on you... Yoosung told me you left school early and—"

"I don't need your assistance, thanks."


"It's Luciel."


"My name is Luciel."

"Why are you acting like this? You were fine yesterday!" You question. He pulls on the strings of his hoodie and turns his body away from you.

"I don't think it's wise for you to be around me anymore. Why don't you ask Zen to tutor you?"

"Why would I ask Zen when I have you?"

"I don't know, he knows you better and you get along so well with him?" He spats. You are taken aback you go silent for a minute; the only thing you could hear was your heartbeat.

"That doesn't even matter, Seven." You whisper softly, yet loud enough for him to hear.

"Yeah, right."

"What has gotten into you?"

"You know what? I didn't even acknowledge the fact that you basically broke into my house, but now I want you to leave." His voice grows louder, more full of hate with every word he speaks, "I don't need you hanging around me, contaminating the air I breath. I am done, d-o-n-e, done. Will you just leave me alone? I don't need you! I don't need anyone!"

You feel a tear slip down your cheek; you touch the tear with your finger tips and then stare at the wet substance on your fingers. You don't know what to say anymore. Your heart is shattered. The one person you thought you cared has broken you.

You just nod your head and exit his room. The world around you is cold and bleak. There was no promise of tomorrow being better now that Seven has removed himself from your life. You know it' stupid to get so worked up over some boy, but you felt a connection to him; you felt a connection that you thought would never be broken. But sadly, your life isn't a fairytale and he isn't your knight in shining armor, saving you from your mundane life and the beast that is Calculous. No, nothing about your life was a fairytale, but Seven made you smile. He made you genuinely smile and laugh.

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