Chapter 2

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I weaved through trafic as I headed for the Museum of Natural History, with a confused Luke Brooks got on my tail. I have to admit, for a girl, I run pretty fast and for quite a distance before I get tired. Sucks for Luke.

I may seem like this sloopy badass, who doesn't care about anybody, and has one of those shitty outlooks on life, but in reality, I'm much more than that. I may dye my hair blue, and wear Def Leppard shirts, and listen to Iron Maiden, and smoke like two cigarettes a day. But I'm kind of exactly the opposite. I'm actually one of those weird chicks that reads books from like three centuries ago, spends all her time at the library, and secretly hates herself. Yeah, pretty much explains me.

I have been to this museum so many times, I could run there in my sleep.

"Where are we going?!" Luke screams at the top of his lungs from ten feet back. He's kind of slowing. I think I'm going to slow down and walk also. I stop running and stand there waiting for slow ass Luke to stand next to me.

"Somewhere. It's one of my favourite places in the world." he nods "we're literally three blocks away, we can just walk there; not run." I smirk at him because I'm a tease. Yes, I will openly admit that I am a tease. Quite a few people have told me that, so I think it'll be easier not to put up a fight and just go with it and openly admit it.

"So," Luke begins as he catches his breath as we walk the three blocks "are you always like this dark, mysterious, gothic, rocker girl?" He smirks and looks my in my green eyes. I roll them.

I shrug, because I'm not, but then again I am because I wear these clothes and have that I-don't-give-a-flying-fuck attitude. I like that about me, the fact that I don't care.

"Okay," Luke tries again. I suppose I'm difficult? "what do you like to do?" I laughed a little to myself because I don't want to tell Luke Brooks what a boring life I have. I shrug again. Luke narrows his eyes at me.

"You're difficult, did you know that?" I laughed because I did know that, a ton of people have said that to me as well.

Everything went silent as we turned the corner on the last block. I smiled because there it was; the museum. This museum holds many memories for me. My father used to bring me here all the time before he got a big promotion and has no time for his worthless, gothic daughter. Everyone calls me gothic, and I have no fucking idea why because I have no tattoos or fucking piercings. I want one of each, but I don't have them now.

"Here?" Luke says with his nose scrunched up in confusion. His pointer finger is out pointing towards the tall building.

"Here." I whispered, taking his wrist into my hand and pulling him in. But he didn't budge.

"Look, Lucy, I don't want to burst your bubble, but I'm not going in a museum." he said as my hand released his wrist. "No fucking way."

"You promised me we could go anywhere I wanted." Oh my God, was I literally on the verge of tears in front of this kid? What the hell Lucy, really? This is the dumbest thing I think anyone could ever cry about. Ever. 

"Yeah, maybe I did Lucy. But I didn't know you were going to take me to the most boring place in the continental US!"

I turned around and walked down the sidewalk. I would not, ever stand there and let a boy speak to me that way. Even though he wasn't yelling or anything, that was still my happy place, and he just put my happiness down.

It was then when I realized how sad I actually am. My happy place is a fucking museum for fuck sake.

"Lucy!" Luke was calling my name.

I turned around and gave him the finger with both hands and turned back around to walk back to my apartment.

"Fucking hell Lucy!" I heard Luke again. I also heard foot steps. Great now he's going to follow me. I rolled my eyes to nobody and kept walking, my Dr. Martens slamming against the pavement. "Lucy," Luke grabbed onto my upper arm and pulled my to look at him. We've known each other for about half an hour now, and  we're already fighting like an old married couple. This is madness.

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