argumentative Mondays

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V= Veronica
B= Bianca

Chloe: I don't have style I have way more style than you do that's for sure."I yelled at her.

Bianca: "yeah​ that's a wannabe be says". She said rolling her eyes

Chloe charges at Bianca and pushes her to the floor and they start fighting.

Miss m: "well hello ladies."she said in the very intimidating voice

Chloe: "umm hi Miss Monique I swear what happened was purely an accident and maybe if it wasn't for Bianca being as mean as usual and attacking me I wouldn't have charged at her."she said looking at Bianca

Bianca:"I didn't attack you you charged at me it was all in self-defense."she said blankly

Chloe:no it wasn't in self defense it was in anger."anger shining brightly in her eyes
Bianca:"umm... no it wasn't."

Chloe:"no you attacked me."

Bianca:"yeah in self-defense".
Chloe:"was not". With Her voice cracking slightly.
Bianca:"was to."Bianca yelled loudly

Was not was to that's what Bianca and Chloe said for like 15 minutes until Charlotte and Veronica stepped in.

Charlotte:"look guys we know you have a rivalry going but you guys have been arguing for 15 minutes."

Va:"exactly stop arguing and just shut up and go to detention please my ears are breaking because you're yelling and whining."

Miss m: "thank you Veronica Charlotte come on ladies let's go." Miss m said as she brought both Chloe and Bianca to detention unwell Chloe's was waving to Jasper he was blushing and waving they're trying to hide the fact that they were waving

"Bye Guys." Veronica said waving to Chloe and Bianca look very mischievously

... in detention...

Miss m:"look ladies I know you have a a war or whatever the heck you want to call it but you cannot and I swear you can not be fighting in the halls of my school." she said sternly

B:BUT I'm a Cheerleader a matter of the fact captain of the cheerleaders!."

C:"so everybody is supposed to get detention even cheerleaders."

B:"but they bring School spirit they bring cheer to the school to the nation to all we make the schools great again."

C:"calm down, Donald Trump you  get detention just like everybody else in this school so ha."

B:"oh shut up Chloe".

C:"how about you shut up."

B:"how about you shutdown."she said scoffing

C:"um no,that doesn't even make sense."she said.

Miss m:"how you both shut up and sit down detention now go clean the school cafe good day I'll see you at the end of the school day."

C:(why do I have to clean the cafeteria Bianca started it).

...In the cafeteria...

Bianca's pov:"ugh why do I gotta clean the cafeteria with you."

Chloe's pov:"well maybe if you didn't do all that stuff that you did we wouldn't be here right now."she says like she's growling

Bianca's pov:"oh so it's all my fault now, you know when things get tough you always blame stuff on other people when it's your fault."

Chloe's pov: " oh really it's all my fault, because I don't recall punching you  the way I remember it you punched me in the nose you better be glad you didn't break it."

Bianca's pov:"so what, you call your rich ass mommy."

Chloe's pov:"you little Wicked Witch of the West although in this case you're from the East."

Bianca's pov:"oh come on,you're so smart or whatever you think you are you can't even make things sound offensive."she said rolling her eyes.

Chloe's pov: ( this little bitch is so rude) "yeah yeah yeah nagg on me later." I said sarcastically." anyways bye."she said flipping her hair while walking out

Veronica's pov:"hey Chloe so how was detention for the first time ever!?!?!." She said excitedly.

"Well what do you think you've been there a million times I think." she says sassy.

Ok ok I'm sorry but did you beat Bianca up at oh wait sorry you're not strong enough to do that or Tough Enough

Hey this event if I could definitely beat you up and her

"Really then show me let's  right here right now no questions asked."Veronica said smirking.

"Ok ok I can't fight."said Chloe as she backed up a little bit.

Well goodnight for now my lovely people getting tired anyways bye

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