My story

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This is not a fictional story or any unrealistic story this is my story. The names in this story are fictional though, don't want people knowing who I am ... so some name may be fictional... like Mia. This will be like a journal but a public one.
I'm Mia. I'm 17 while writing this and yes i'm not a professional writer and may be my story will be boring to you, but I wanted to do this so that people can help me with my problem or relate their life with mine. Yeah i know what you're thinking, this will be a boring story with a boring girl and all that and yes maybe my story will be boring but for me it will be of great help to be able to release all my feelings.

I'm in holidays right now and will be for the next 3 months. I live in a very small island named Mauritius, it's like a dot on the world map and our system of education is not the same. The first semester starts in January and the last one ends in October. So next I will be in my final high school year. But I still don't know what I want to do in the future, or what I want to study in college or if I'll go to college. One of the most frustrating question that people often ask me is "so Mia what do you want to do after high school?" And it doesn't help that most of my friends already know what they want to do with their life.

I love my friends but don't have a best friend. Reasons why I don't have a best friend are:
1. I choose to not have a best friend.
2. I had a best friend named Michigan when I was in kindergarten but she migrated to Canada. Then I had Aurore and Kevin in elementary school but we went to different secondary school afterwards and we are not that close anymore. Then when I was 13 I had Jane we were very very close. I told myself that I finally found my best friend. But 2 years later she had to move to Amsterdam because her dad had a better job there... but we're still friends! But calling us best friend would not be right because we have changed and we have new friends... SHE has new friends now, but I still adore her.
3. I think that by now my chances to have a best friend are pretty slim and I started to lose faith in having a best friend.

I am MiaWhere stories live. Discover now