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Minutes and hours passes by and the ride off to Oklahoma was long and quiet. Thankfully the Alpha from the recent pack we visited, gave us food for the rest of our trip. Mostly sweets and pops but hey I'm not gonna complain. I was on my fourth fruit roll up just munching away nervously. The sweet candy starting to make me feel a little sick.Violet blocked me from getting another candy from the box. I gave her a small glare and reached for the cotton candy at my side.

But before I could taste the fluffy deliciousness, she yanked it from my hands."Mia, chill. You will probably throw up everywhere from all the junk food you ate."

I snorted."I just ate four fruit roll ups, two Hershey bars,two butterfingers and a carrot."

The other girls across from us in the limo snickered in disgust. They murmured something to each other and laughed.

I could have sworn I heard the word "fat ass" somewhere in their conversation.The smile from my lips slipped and I turned my attention out to the window. I regret every single damn thing I ate.. Well except for the carrot.

Violet gave Sarah and Sabrina a cold glare , lips curled in disgust at them." Don't you bitches be mad because all you lovely ladies ate was a damn piece of bread."

A small giggle escaped my lips while I leaned back into the soft seat of the limo. I twirled the tips of my brown hair with my fingers. The world outside was now just full of green grasses, little farms and trees. Nothing interesting really sparked my mind at all. But then a small flicker of white appeared in the thick bundle of trees. A huge circle of houses was behind it no doubt.Excitement bubbles up in the pit of my stomach. I grabbed a mirror and whipped away crumbs from my junk food feast.

I fixed my bangs and gave Violet a small smile."Okay, Okay we will be fine. I just can't be clingy. No drink, flashing, skinny dipping or farting."

"Oh, you're disgusting!" Sabrina, the red head in a rose like dress said. Sarah, the brunette in a party dress tutu nodded with a dramatic gag.

Our driver, Jeffry turned onto the hidden dirt path that led to the huge circle of houses. The scene in front of me made me nervous and a small panic bloomed in my chest. No way was I gonna get out of this limo. I do NOT want anyone else to see me in this ridiculous outfit my pack picked for me. It screamed whore in every little stitch that held my outfit together. And knowing them, that was what they were aiming for. To make the world think I was a whore like they do.Jeffry finally pulled in the middle of all the huge mansions.

"Okay girls, get yourselves pretty pretty. The wolves from the MoonHeart pack will arrive in about ..mmm.. Five minutes."He said in his thick accent.

Sabrina and Sarah squealed in delight while me and Violet just gave each other small smiles.Hopefully this will be my last stop. I don't think I could stand another thirty minutes with the other peppy girls. Violet was the person who kept me sane the whole trip.

"If I do not see you lovely ladies, good luck to you and your mate. Now get out of my limo." Jeffry teased.

Sabrina scrambled out of the limo her black strapped heels getting caught in her long red dress. She fell out of the car with a loud EEP and Sarah tumbling after. Violet grinned and pulled my arm while I gave out a loud laugh. We slipped around their tangles of arms and legs. She turned and patted my hair in place. I stopped myself from grumbling at her motherly gesture. Maybe she was going to be a Luna?

"Listen," She murmured with her blue eyes holding my gaze." If we don't find our mates you could come back to my pack. We could be like sisters and freaking dominate."

I smiled up at her hopeful expression. I opened my mouth to speak but the peaceful silent air was shattered by howls. That could mean only one thing, the wolves are coming here to greet us. I perked my ears for more sounds but heard nothing, not even a single breath or heartbeat. But then a crackle of bones let me know that the wolves were shifting. I tried to catch a scent but smelled nothing. It wasn't till group of men came out from the woods and sniffed and tasted the air that I noticed they were there. Unease went through my body when I thought more of me not being able to sense them at all.Violet gave me a look of pure joy. She glowed with excitement and I instantly knew why.

" He's here!"

We both scanned the group of guys that was just half a mile In front of us. Sabrina and Sarah was already getting acquainted with the guys. I rolled my eyes at their complete desperate attempt to flirt and mingle. Ugh that's just pathetic.

Violet growled, her eyes flashing pure gold." Mine!"

She gracefully sprinted off to her mate, ripping a shocked looking Sabrina off a good looking guy. Violet bared her canines at the now cowering girl before her doing nothing to calm down her wolf. The scene brought a smirk on my lips. A hand smacked my butt making my wolf beat at my barriers. She didn't appreciate the disrespect that was shown to us. I spun around and shoved a guy hard on the chest. He fell down on the ground with a loud ooff.

"If you are not my mate, you will not TOUCH me!" I snapped.

The dirty blonde haired guy gazed up at me in shock. His blue eyes were wide and his full lips in a small surprised 'o'. He shook his head and gave me a sheepish smile. He was actually kinda cute..


I crossed my arms and lifted my eyebrow."Mmhm.. Right."

He picked himself up from the ground and dusted himself off. He smiled at me and ranked his hand through his wavy hair. Yeah he was definitely cute!

" I'm Brandon."


He chuckled. "Ah, your name is beautiful. It suits you"

I felt my cheeks warm up with my attitude going shy. I haven't been called anything like that most of my life. It wasn't till my father forced me to take the trip around America to find my mate. While I met different packs I've been called beautiful, adorable and even gorgeous. All of those words boosted up my confidence until I remembered who I really was. But the sugar coated words was not going to get me to change my standards or decision to wait for my other half.

"Thanks." I told him softly with a smile tugging at the corner of my lips.I caught a whiff of an amazing scent that sent my wolf wild. She howled and screamed at me to follow the smell but right when I turned around the scent vanished completely. Confusion washed over both me and Leah, my wolf.

What was that scent?

Why the heck did it go away?!


Just wanted to say ..hello there c:


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