How You Met And When You Started To Date

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Jace: You were brought to the Institute. Your parents had been killed by Circle members.
     "Hey. My names Jace." He stuck out his hand. You just looked at it. "Y/N." Then you walked away. After that you and him became friends. After three years of living at the Institute, you developed a crush on the blonde shadowhunter.
    After a mission, where you almost died, you to got into a fight.
     Jace huffed angrily," You need to be more careful. You could have been hurt, or worse (A/N: expelled XD) killed!!!"
    "I was fine!! I could have killed the demon, but you had to show off!!" Finally he yelled out he loved you. You sat there, frozen.
    "Well, say something!!!" You got up and hugged him, "I like you too." He asked you out and you dated from there on.

Alec: You were at a party. The great Magnus Banes party to be exact. You were just practicing some spells. That's when Magnus pulled on your arm and led you over to a group of people. Shadowhunters, and a mundane. "Y/N this is Alec. Alec, Y/N." Magnus said with a flutter of his hand. The others soon left you two alone.
    "So, uh, how do you know Magnus?" Alec asked, awkwardly scratching his neck.
    "He's my older brother....So, do you always socialize with Downworlders?" After you said this you two talked, gradually it became less weird. After a while you both were a little drunk and started to dance. He kissed you. After the party you exchanged numbers. He texted you the next morning.
    You talked, even helped him out some times with the wards on the Institute. He asked you out after a mission, that you had gone with the group. You jumped into his arms, then pulled him into a sloppy kiss. You said yes.

Magnus: You had went with Luke to find Clary. She was at Magnus' of course, he needed to talk to her alone so they left momentarily. Magnus threw you many glances as you looked around the apartment.
    You picked up a old vase, "Do you like it?" You look over your shoulder to find Magnus looking at you. "I like the blue color." He started to tell you where the vase came from. "How do you know Clarissa?" He asked you, curiosity was biting at his mind.
    You shake your head, " Clary is a childhood friend, and Luke is like my dad, and he happens to be the leader of the pack." He asked why you came,"Luke has to keep a eye on me, I only came with because, well I just turned recently...." You blush and set the vase down. Magnus stares at you, you throw yourself down on the couch. He follows, though he is more graceful as he sits.
    "That must be hard, it was hard for me for many years. Though, I mean my magic, not being a...werewolf." He trails off. You look at the warlock. He is staring at you intently. "It is. But, the pack, Luke, Clary, and Simon are really supportive. So, at least I have someone to help me." You smile at Magnus. He and you talk for a bit longer, "Would you like to go get a drink sometime?" You nod and exchange numbers.
     Then Luke and Clary walk in, "Did we miss anything?" Luke asks. You shake your head and blush.
You and Luke leave, your phone buzzes in your pocket,
     How bout that drink???🍸🍹

Simon: You and Clary, your twin, had been friends with Simon Lewis for forever. You never thought that you'd develop feelings for your nerdy best friend. You always joked how it was him and Clary who where supposed to be together.
     Clary noticed when you stopped aging those things, or when you'd get angry if anyone said anything about it. One day he was over and your mom and Luke were teasing him and Clary about their 'friendship.' You gave an angry huff, and stormed off to your room.
    Knock, knock. "Y/N? Are you okay?" Your sister came in. "I'm fine. They just don't have to tease you all the time. I-its annoying!!!" You yell out. Clary laughs, you glare at her angrily. "Do you like him?" You sit up and look at her. After a moment you slowly nod.
     "Yah. I like him. But he likes you." After Clary and you talked for a bit you both made your way back downstairs. Simon, Luke, and your mom were laughing.
"Y/N can we go talk?" He pulls you to the side. "What's going on?" You take a deep breath and tell him everything.
    Simon started at you. After a awkward thirty seconds you turn to walk away. As you do Simon takes your arm and turns you back. You try to talk, but lips being pressed against yours won't allow you too.
    You kiss back. A few seconds later you hear a cough. You break away blushing. You look back and see everyone else. You blush even more.

Raphael: Walking home from Pandemonium your favorite club. You see a shadow follow you.
    You shrug and look around, there are some people walking so its no unusual. Looking back you see a woman in a beautiful dress and heels behind you.
    Moments later you only see black. As you start to awake you see someone hovering over you.
    "Good your awake." You sit up and wince. Holding your head you look at the figure. As your vision returns you see a handsome Hispanic boy looking at you.
    "Are you thirsty?" He asked as he pours you a drink of something, hopefully water. He sets the glass in your hand. You nod your thanks and take a drink. "So, what's your name?"
    You finish the water and look at him"Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N. What's your name?" He looks at you for a minute, then answers. "Raphael Santiago." As you finally look around you realize he is very pale. "Not much of a outside person?" Raphael looks at you and laughs. "No, not really. Especially since it burns me." You laugh now. You see his face and he has a serious look on it. "Uh, are you allergic to the sun? Or do you gets sick a lot?"
     Raphael is somehow in front of you. He bares his fangs? You tried to get away but he had pinned you down.
    "This is why I don't go out."
    You hear people yelling then, lights out again. But right before you go unconscious, you hear "I'll see ya later princessa."

Sebastian: You ran from the Institute a year or so ago. While it was hard to be on your own, you met many allies. Including, the Circle, which you had joined. Jace would be disappointed to hear you talked to them at all.
    They were the enemy, or it was said so. You had join the ranks and quickly earned a place in the top. You eventually would meet Valentine himself, and his son. Johnathan. As you get ready you decide to wear your gear but, with a black, nice, leather jacket to seem more professional.
    You walk out and see them waiting on you. You only seen the pair while they are training or giving a speech.
    "Mr. Morgenstern." He laughs.
"Please, Mr. Morgenstern is my father. Call me Valentine." You nod your head in agreement.
He makes a gesture towards a towering blonde, known as Johnathan. "This is my son. Jonathan. Y/N Y/L/N."
    Johnathan looks you up and down,"Pleaser to meet you." He picks your hand up and kisses it.

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