Chapter 3-The Talk

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*****Btw anything in italics is what the character is thinking.*****

Shane's POV

I was really worried about Joey. I had never known about his problem and I could never tell. Who knew that someone so happy, so amazing could be so hurt. I want to make him feel better but I don't want to force him. I would do anything for this boy, no matter how much money or time it would take. He was my everything at the moment and I wasn't going to let him push me away like he did to others. I genuinely cared about him, through thick and thin, and I always will. 

I didn't know what to say to Joey after what happened in the car. Do I ask him about it? Do I leave him alone? I did what I could do to help him. So I did what sounded right. I gently knocked on the door, whilst slowly opening it. 

"Joey?" I asked nervously

"Yea?" He seemed consumed into his computer. Maybe I should go. NO! You guys need to talk about it. For both of our sakes. 

"We need to talk"

"About?" Is he seriously trying to play dumb. I know he wants to avoid the topic but it a mandatory thing. I can't let him be this way. I didn't really know what to say. I was still in shocked about what happened in the car. I think I took too long of a silence because Joey broke away his gaze from his computer to my face. I was nervous and just spoke what came to my mind. "Why...?" A long, long hesitation of quietness filled the room. He finally answered, but yet again he was acting dumb. 

"Why what?"

"Joey, cut the bullshit. You know exactly what I'm talking about." He sat in silence. He had set down his laptop and placed it on the bedside table just before. Now he stared down twiddling with his fingers. I know he wasn't going to do or say anything so I spoke up. 

"Joey you know I care about you. I don't get why."

"Look, there just a lot of stuff going on" he said in a sad yet stern voice. I didn't know what came over Joey but he seemed different. It was like I never even knew him. He acted strange. To be honest, I was a little afraid. 

"Like what Joey? Please tell me. I want to help you"

"Yea well maybe I don't want to be helped" I gasped at his answer. I never met this  side of him. Never, and I wish I never had. 

"Why are you doing this to yourself?"

"Because I deserve it.....remember October 22nd?"

"Yea". What had happened was his girlfriend of 2 years had committed suicide. She and him were the cutest couple, I thought they were going to get married at some point actually. She and him had some drama going on between them, not sure what it was because he never fully told me. But the last thing that happened was their phone call. She called asking him about something and Joey refused. The last thing she said to him was 'I love you' and he replied with an 'I have to go, I'm busy' speech. After they had hung up, around 7pm she committed suicide. He was heartbroken. Complete depression and I went through it with him. Him being upset made me upset. He said that he was feelings better and that he wasn't depressed about it. I can't believe I was stupid enough to actually believe him.

"It wasn't your fault Joey. It was hers. She had problems that couldn't be fixed. You couldn't have done anything."

"You don't know that Shane! Maybe if I've asked her to stay or said 'I love you' maybe she would still be here!" He spoke with such distress and despair. I couldn't help but feel bad for him. He deserved better. Tear by tear rolled down his face. He was on the verge of full out crying so I pulled him close into an embrace. I stroked his stiff, soft hair with my fingers. His hair always had that 'special smell'. Sounds weird but it was true. 

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