Chapter 2

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Meeting Moss and Ink

Flamepaw woke up and looking out to Unknown, "Pssstt! Are you guys awake yet?" Flamepaw murmured. "We are now.." grumbled Nightpool, Shadowglow prickled her ears and rose on her paws.

Shadowglow lead them to a Thunderpath, it scent was terrible and Flamepaw twitched her nose in disgust. Shadowglow looked from both sides, her head swung side to side, "Go! Cross" She yelped as they flung themselves across the Thunderpath, hard black surface under their paws.

Shadowglow saw something in far distance, "Let's go there!" She mewed as they followed her to it was a Twoleg den, but scent of Twoleg was stale and a strong scent of two cats. Two pair of glowing eyes stared at them, " Who are you?" Flamepaw asked, "Pfffttt! As if strangers would say their names, your such a mouse brain!" Nightpool grunted.

Flamepaw ignore the tom and lashing her tail to tell him to shut up. Two pair of eyes blinked and two cats walked out of shaodws, " We live here, I am Moss and that cat is Ink." Moss greeted and spoke again " Twolegs call this place a cabin, made of strong thick wood." Ink was shrunk away and hide behind Moss.

"We are just passing through and want no trouble. We are cats from clans. I am Shadowglow and this is Flamepaw, Troutfoot and Nightpool" Shadowglow meowed, Moss nodded her head and spoke " Strange names, yes but  I heard of clans, how they must hunt and fight to survive the wilderness that brought upon them." Moss mewed.

Ink gulped and padded out from his hiding place " You guys c-can stay.. i-if you want." Ink spoke his words shook and stumbled, Ink immediately turned around back to cabin and Moss lead four to their home, "So tell me more,  your far from your 'clans' aren't ya?" Moss questioned, "We need a new home, new and good territory, A fire and flood has happened and prey is very scarce." Troutfoot explained.

" We have very little food" Nightpool added with a snort. "Ahh, so that explains the sudden increase of prey around here, This place didn't have much prey, due stale Twoleg smell." Moss mewed " That why, I have been having my favorite, squirrel!!" Ink added, his eyes gleamed with joy.

"Anyway we must hunt, you got to be starving by now." Ink asked, his shyness melted away, Shadowglow and rest of group felt as if squirrel they caught earlier was a moon ago, their bellies hollow as log." Shadowglow and Troutfoot rose to follow Moss to hunt, they returned with plenty of prey, a squrriel, mouse and a vole and even a small bass!

Flamepaw crouch next to Nightpool and shared his vole, she felt nervous around him, he wasn't nicest cat but he wasn't too mean either. Flamepaw bit in the vole, meeting blood and meat of limp creature, She rose sat and swiped her tongue around her lips.

" Anyway, you can meet Abel, up head soon!" Moss purred "  He is a kittypet, he has been since... a few moons?" Ink meowed as he took a bite of the squrriel.  " Just no funny business, Abel has two cats named Cookie and  Candy, they are sweet and kind but one wrong move that causes Abel to get hurt. You will be ripped into pieces in no time!" Ink mewed,  narrowing his eyes in direction where the three cats lived.

--Meanwhile at the Camp--
Brightfrost sat, watching Poppypaw do her final assessment. As Poppypaw held some prey, She padded over to her apprenitce, " Poppypaw, I have to take of some business for while, okay?" Brightfrost purred, her voice filled with significant. Brightfrost dashed off opposite way of Poppypaw and met Lakefoot and Sedgefur, they were both talking about patrols. "Umm.. Hey little help? Poppypaw is stuck!" Brightfrost lied,her eyes glowing as two followed her.

They arrived at cave that both clans stayed for while. " Hmmm... She yelled that she was stuck, I don't know where.. Let spilt up!" Brightfrost mewed, her tail wagging happily, Brightfrost followed Lakefoot into the cave. She jumped, digging her claws in his back, but he shook her off and hissed. But Brightfrost was fast and she charged at the tom and pinned him down.

She gave him, the killing bite and kicked his body into darker part of the cave. Sedgefur quickly came over to see blood stained on Brightfrost, " What happen?" She asked " Spit it out!!" Sedgefur spat, " A cave talon fell on him.." Brightfrost spoke, Her eyes widen with fake fear and sorrow.

Just as Sedgefur was going to speak, Brightfrost charged and headbutted the deputy as she lost her balance and ground beneath deputy's paws loosen and sild, Sedgefur disappeared over ravines edge and  nothing but a yowl and sickening crunch of bones rang out.

Brightfrost heard a rustle and spotted a bush shake, she dashed over to find recent scent and paw prints. She growled and returned to Poppypaw, " You did great!" Brightfrost purred happily, her paws hid behind the puffy bush, as licked blood from her  mouth away.

"  Let all cats old enough to catch prey gather here for a clan meeting!!" Needlestar yowled, As Fleetstar was at Needlestar's side. "Today an apprentice will be made into a warrior! Poppypaw step up!" Needlestar yelped as Poppypaw step up to face million eyes watching her. " Brightfrost, has Poppypaw prove ways of being a warrior?" Needlestar asked, Brightfrost nodded and meowed " Yes, She have,  We all be foolish to not make her a warrior!" She answered.

" May Starclan look upon this apprentice, Poppypaw do you promise to uphold the code even at cost of your life?" Needlestar stared at her, " I do!" Poppypaw mewed, " Then by powers of Starclan, Poppypaw you will now be known as Poppyshine, we honor your  spirit and Kindness!" Needlestar mewed, his gaze gleaming happiness.

" I have some sad news, Both of our deputies have passed on and I must pick two new ones due to the code! I pick Brightfrost as my deputy and Brookleap as Pre-deputy!" Needlestar meowed, tail selecting two she cats.

" Poppyshine! Brightfrost! Brookleap!" Clan chanted. the clan cats were dismissed and parted ways , the meeting breaking up. As Needlestar launch himself down, Fleetstar trailed behind him.

Brightfrost sat, licking her paw and groomed herself, Perfect! I am now deputy! Shadowglow has her stupid love, But I have power! Brightfrost smirked and turned away from clearing to the den.

Note: Wow! Long chapter...! Enjoy

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