At first sight

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I met him and it was love at first sight

I can only see him, like he was a merciful light

Thinking of him, will stay me up all night

I tried to turn left but I know he was the right  

Bang, crash, it feels like he's in my head

and now he's in my heart too, Oh I'm dead

He's the guy that stands up like a fire

The only man I desire

This infatuation may be a trick

but his eyes pinned me into a brick

The moment that he hold my hands

and stroked my hair, every strand

I felt that I was floating on the air

and smiled like a fool, I don't care

But, alas, you said you didn't feel the way

you left me, but I still think of you all day

I am stupid, I was told

because to me, you are so cold

You said I am a pain and such a bore

that made my face swollen and so sore

I hate you, I want to shout

but why should I? Life is not you all about

I knew I was fooled by love at first sight

and thanks, you ain't my mister right

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