Chapter 11: He's back

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Chapter 11

Katniss P.O.V

Prim is settling down very well. She works at the kindergarden Mockingjay and is going to start junior year in Panem High School in September.

"Katniss can I go meet Rue today?"

Prim comes into the kitchen where Peeta and I stand, making pancakes.

It's Saturday, so she's off from work.

"I haven't met Rue in like three years, going on four", Prim continues, sitting down at the kitchen island, where Peeta and I are standing. It's like she's trying to convince me that she should be allowed to meet Rue.

"Of course you can, you're sixteen, you can do pretty much what you want, although I can do more, like this!" I say dip my hand in the batter bowl and smash my hand in Peeta's face, leaving his face all sticky in batter.

Prim laughs, and Peeta just seem started.

"Okay, you should start watch your back from now on", Peeta says, awfully calm as he dries his face off with a napkin.

"Ooo how scared I am", I tease.

Prim only laughs until she chokes. Her face gets all red.

"Oh it was a really long time since I laughed", Prim says eventually when she calms down.

I frown. Prim used to be the happiest kid on earth, even after what happened to dad and after mom went into that depression.

"Why did you try to convince me to let you see Rue?" I ask as Peeta continues on the pancakes, but he's also listening.

"Mom never let me go out of the house", she says. "I could only leave the house to go to school, or the supermarket to buy food, she kept me inside and forced me to study".

I get the urge to start screaming. Why did Prim never tell me? She has been here to visit a couple of times, but she never told me anything.

I can't understand how mom turned out like this. Before the accident with dad, mom was the person I always looked up too. I could be angry about the fact that I don't look like her, I would always hold her hand when we went somewhere, I would always kiss her cheek and tell her how much I loved her. Now everything I feel when I think about mom, is disgust and hatred. And I certainly don't love her anymore. And I know why. She's not the mother I grew up with. She's someone else. Someone unfamiliar. She's a stranger to me.

"I can't believe her, I just can't", I say angrily. "It's like she had you like a prisoner".

Peeta puts a plate with good smelling pancakes on the table. He sits down on the chair beside me.

"I think it's because she never wanted to take care of Prim", he says and I look at him. "She knows how much you love Prim, and how much Prim loves you, I think she became jealous and took Prim away from you to in some way show you who's really in charge of the situation. I think she wanted to make you suffer, like she did when your father died".

Wow. I think Peeta is right. Our mother really is horrible.

I look at Prim. My sweet innocent baby sister. Even though she's not a baby anymore.

I stand up and walk over to the other side of the kitchen island. I wrap my arms around Prim and hug her tight.

"I'm never letting you go again Prim, I promise", I whisper to her.

"I don't want you to", she mumbles.

And that only makes me hug her even tighter.

After we are done with our breakfast Prim goes out to meet Rue.

Peeta is looking at something on my phone.

"What are you looking at?" I ask, not sounding worried at all. I have nothing to hide. I'm an open book when it comes to Peeta, he knows everything about me. So I don't care if he's in my phone. No I just asked because he frowns.

"Gale just texted you", he says. "When did he come back?"

Wait what? Gale? Like in Gale Hawthorn? Mine and Peeta's best friend?

"I don't know", I say, walking up to him. "I didn't know he was back, is he?"

"Well he said that", says. "Long time ago we saw him right?"

"Yeah", I say.

Gale is not only our best friend. He's my ex boyfriend. It didn't work out so we separated as friends. Peeta, him and I stayed best friends, no bad blood, no jealousy, no nothing. But his family moved to France our junior year.

"Is he's whole family back?" I ask.

"I don't know", Peeta says and starts texting Gale back from my phone. "He wants to meet us today, you want to?"

"Sure but ... I don't think I can", I say. "I was going to meet Madge".

"Take her with", Peeta suggests.

Yeah I can do that. It was a long time ago Gale and Madge met as well.

"Yeah sure but tell him that", I say.

"Yeah", Peeta says.

Hm... I wonder if... But no. No they can't, they wouldn't fit ... Or would they?

Maybe I should try to get them together, Gale and Madge that is. Hm... poor guy, he returns to the city and I try to fix him up before I even met him.


✏️867 words✏️

Well what do you think?

I don't like Katniss mother, anyone with me on that?

Should Katniss try to do that?

Please vote and comment you guys :)

-Josephine xx

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