Once upon a redhead

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          There once was a man named Red. He was a Pokemans master or something and he liked Pikachu. But then, on one bright summer evening he entered the Johto region in Goldenrod City, where he spotted a boy with golden eyes and raven hair and a red head with red hair and silver eyes.
          "Lmao, I da champion little bros"' Red said, hoping that he said the right thing.
         But then, the redhead with red hair punched in this face, saying "Boi get away, I'm trying to hang out with my boyfriend, because this is a hot Yaoi fanfic and the writer must make it all the yaoi."                                
          Red glanced over to the redhead with red hair's boyfriend, suddenly realizing that he loved this redhead. Speaking clearly he said "Urm yah lmao sorry bout that, um hey do you like edgy stuff."
            "Boi I live the edgy life," Silver stated, "but my boyfriend isn't eDgY enough so I'm breaking up with him."
             The raven haired boy started crying "How could you do this to meh! I thought you loved me even though I wasn't edgy!1!1!!1!1"
              "Lmao I love that guy who just walked up to me because he has red eyes and black hair so he looks really emo and edgy." Silver said, tying to keep his face as edgy looking as possible.
                 Red was shocked, he liked the redhead with red hair the minute he realized how alike they were- him with red hair and himself with red eyes, but he had never thought that the redhead with red hair would like him back. "Um I like you too," Red stated ignoring the golden eyed boy's cries "Lmao will you go out with meh, I've been looking for someone this eDgY for a long time."
             "Boi I single, and my edgyness calls for me to get a new boyfriend so hai, you're my new boyfriend." Silver relied, "Oh and btw I like you too lmao."
             "Yaaassssssssssss I've always wanted to try this Yaoi stuff yay!" Red said, walking with the redhead with red hair in Hot Topic, the edgiest store in town, and leaving the raven haired boy in the dust.
              "Hahah idc lmao, the redhead with red hair was too edgy for me anyway, and besides now I can go flirt with that hot girl in the corner. Oh and btw my names Gold and I hate Yaoi." Gold said, leaving this fanfic with a cliffhanger.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2016 ⏰

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