Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

        My eyes glanced left to right adjusting to the stares I was getting from people around me. Usually, I was never noticed. I was the quiet girl that everyone knew but did not socialise with. However, news on the accident had spread like wildfire changing my social status in school. I was no longer that girl who kept to herself. I was the girl whose sister met with an accident. I was infamous now. Being known was not what I wanted, especially not for an accident of a loved one.

        To be honest, it was quite disturbing. People I never knew or actually noticed before, now knew my name. It was partly sick, this treatment and this generation. One second you're just a girl at the corner and next you're the centre of gossip. Everyone claimed to know my story. As they whispered and casually glance over at me, I could see the sympathy in some of their eyes. Some just mocked the entire incident as a whole. Disturbing was an understatement. This treatment was downright irksome.

        It had grown to the extent where people just stared at me whenever I walked past them. I had become the new "interest" to talk about. I felt like a lab rat under the microscope lens being scrutinised by everyone. !ith Luke not around in school, I did not have many people to hang out with and talk to.

        During lunch, people allowed me to cut in front of them and smiled at me but never invited me to sit with them. As nice as they were being, I wanted it to stop. I did not want special treatment. Their actions kept reminding me of the accident. I wanted to shout to them and ask them to stop it because I wanted to forget about the incident momentarily while I was in school. Was that too much to ask for?

        As of now, I was enjoying my peaceful, yet dreadful lunch eating a ham and cheese sandwich alone at the back of the library. I was trying my best to complete an English essay before my English period. I plugged in my ear plugs and began bobbing my head to superheroes by the script as I did my work. It was beginning to get stressful, having to go to the hospital daily to check on her. However, doctors were saying she was improving which always made my day brighter.

        She was doing much better but would not be released for the next few days due to her being in coma. The doctors say it's a natural reaction of her body as it allows her to recover faster from the disastrous event that she had previously faced. Her body was weak but was healing at an exceptionally fast rate.

        I was afraid, though. I had no idea as to what to tell her when she awakes. I could only imagine myself being nervous and an emotional mess when it happens. It was already really hard for me to see her like that. Afterall, she was - is my baby sister and having her cheerful face not being at home to greet when I return home from school hurt.

        As I completed the last paragraph of my essay,the bell rung. I heaved a sigh as I realised I had in fact completed the essay within time. The bell signalled for me to run for English class and from the stares of these people. I groaned, not wanting to face everyone. I packed my bag and brisk walked to class.

        I shuffled into my English classroom. It was quite annoying to still attend school since I had an excuse but Luke's mum suggested for me to continue attending as it would "keep my mind off of other things". I'd agree with her if I did not have to face all the stares and treatment I've been receiving. She is like a second mother to me. She takes care of me and makes the best brownies, considering she does own a cafe.

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